Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Really BIG Money: The Development of the Smithsonian’s New Money Gallery for Children

Sep 15, 2022, 4:40 PM
Old Library - Hall 115-116

Old Library - Hall 115-116


Ellen Feingold (Smithsonian Institution)


What does a money gallery designed for children look like? This paper will explore the process of developing the Smithsonian’s new money gallery called Really BIG Money. The exhibition is designed for elementary-aged children and features some of the National Numismatic Collection’s biggest objects – in size, denomination, and quantity – selected for their potential to surprise and delight young visitors. Created through a close partnership between curators and educators, the interpretation of these objects is shaped by existing curriculum on money and economics with the aim of supporting classroom learning and improving financial literacy. This paper will explain the ways in which very large monetary objects can help children practice creative thinking and learn about the world around them. It will also highlight the digital aspects of this project that enable children and educators to access Really BIG Money worldwide.

Primary author

Ellen Feingold (Smithsonian Institution)

Presentation materials

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