11–16 Sept 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Interference in ancient numismatics in the Ossolineum in Wroclaw and the National Museum in Warsaw

15 Sept 2022, 14:00
Auditorium Maximum - Hall B

Auditorium Maximum - Hall B


Anna Anzorge-Potrzebowska (University of Silesia in Katowice)


The paper discusses intervention on ancient coins, mostly struck on the territory of the Roman State now preserved in the Ossoliński National Institute in Wrocław and the National Museum in Warsaw. My focus are marks of deliberate alterations observed on the surface of coins – types of intervention, the possibilities and limits for their identification and interpretation. I propose to examine modifications which may have originated in antiquity (consequently, this leaves out marks made by collectors), and might shed light on the personal or institutional attitudes to the content placed on the coins. As such the paper looks into the uses of coins other that their original purpose – cases compatible with damnatio memoriae (including acts that were not sanctioned by law).

Primary author

Anna Anzorge-Potrzebowska (University of Silesia in Katowice)

Presentation materials

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