11–16 Sept 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The use of coins in tombs in Veneto during late antiquity and the Middle Ages

13 Sept 2022, 17:40
Auditorium Maximum - Hall C

Auditorium Maximum - Hall C


Noé Conejo (Università degli Studi di Padova )


It is traditionally accepted that the use of coins in classical funerary contexts was linked to the famous myth of Charon, the ferryman who carried souls to the afterlife in exchange for one or more coins. However, it seems that this practice continued throughout Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, despite the fact that these individuals were in a Christianised society where pagan practices were substantially restricted. Within the framework of the MORTI project (Money, Rituality and Tombs in Northern Italy during Late Antiquity) (H2020-MSCA-IF-2020-101025031-MORTI), coins from several Late Antique and Medieval necropolises located in the Veneto region have been analysed in order to identify elements which could explain this funerary practice during this period.

Primary author

Noé Conejo (Università degli Studi di Padova )

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