11–16 Sept 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Hoards in Ancient Anatolia: A Statistical Overview

16 Sept 2022, 11:20
Auditorium Maximum - Adam Mickiewicz Hall

Auditorium Maximum - Adam Mickiewicz Hall

oral presentation S16. GREECE 16. ASIA MINOR 1


Leah Lazar (University of Oxford )


I will present the first large-scale statistical overview of patterns in hoarding behaviour in ancient Anatolia in the longue durée. As part of the CHANGE project, funded by the ERC, I have collected and digitised data on Anatolian hoards from the Coins Hoards publications, to add to the data from the Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards available at coinhoards.org. The full data-set includes dates, findspots and contents of hundreds of hoards either found in Anatolia or containing Anatolian coinages, from the seventh to the first century BCE. For the first time, a large-scale statistical approach can be employed to analyse hoarding behaviour in the region over time. I will present an analysis of chronological and geographical developments and trends, as well as of the inclusion of different denominations and materials. This approach will indicate new research directions for numismatic study of ancient Anatolia, and indeed of the ancient world more broadly.

Primary author

Leah Lazar (University of Oxford )

Presentation materials

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