11–16 Sept 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

A new year, an old era, and the same date? Dating in early roman Cilicia.

16 Sept 2022, 11:40
Auditorium Maximum - Hall B

Auditorium Maximum - Hall B


Christian Schinzel (Münzkabinett Winterthur )


The collection of the Winterthur Coin Cabinet (Münzkabinett Winterthur) includes a bronze coin of King Philopator (II.?) of Cilicia. The dated coin shows a known type of this king, but uses an era different from the one used on other coins of the same type. This raises questions about the use of different eras in the coinage of one realm, city, or even the same ruler. The paper thus tries to provide a possible answer as to when and why some coins were dated, while the majority of the same type was not.

Primary author

Christian Schinzel (Münzkabinett Winterthur )

Presentation materials

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