Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Two hoards of late Roman gold coins in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo

Sep 16, 2022, 3:00 PM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall B

Auditorium Maximum - Hall B


Fatma Mohamed ( The Egyptian Museum )


The Egyptian Museum of Cairo holds a very large numismatic collection of which a substantial part are gold coins, mainly from the bequest of King Farouk’s collection. Two small groups of coins stand apart, acquired through customs seizure, one of them in Gaza. The assemblage consists of gold solidi of the reigns of Valentinian I and Valens. One group of 25 coins are mostly Restitutor Reipublicae issues of Valentinian I and Valens from various mints but there is also a single coin of Constantius II. The second group of 59 coins has the same core of Restitutor solidi of Valentinian I and Valens coins but includes some coins of Theodosius II and Leo I. We take this occasion to make an overview of hoards of this type known in the region and to show how these two groups fit the hoarding pattern in 4th and 5th century Egypt.

Primary author

Fatma Mohamed ( The Egyptian Museum )

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