Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Natus vincere: the image of emperor Gallienus (253-268) through the Rome’s mint coinage

Sep 14, 2022, 12:00 PM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall B

Auditorium Maximum - Hall B


David Serrano Ordozgoiti (Universidad Complutense de Madrid )


We propose to reconstruct, using numismatic evidence, how the mint of Rome projected the image of Gallienus (253-68), one of the most important and enduring emperors of the period of military anarchy, . The most interesting statistics will be highlighted, and particular attention paid to the study of the distribution, denominations, deities and different reverses and legends involved, an essential propaganda tool for the ruling house ,and a clear sign of the relationship between central power and the army. We will also compare the data provided by the mint of Rome with that of other contemporary mints, such as those of Milan, Cologne, Siscia or Viminacium, and rival mints, as Cologne during the reign of the enemy, the founder of the Imperium Galliarum, Postumus.

Primary author

David Serrano Ordozgoiti (Universidad Complutense de Madrid )

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