Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Coins and Conquest; coin hoarding in Britain 200 BC – AD 96

Sep 13, 2022, 2:00 PM
University of Warsaw

University of Warsaw

Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 Warsaw


Anni Byard (University of Leicester / Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)


Covering the appearance of the first coins imported to Britain in the early second century BC, through to the development of insular trimetallic coinage, the Roman invasion of Claudius in AD 43 and beyond, this poster will present aspects of new research into the Iron Age to Roman transition in Britain from the perspective of coin hoards.
British ‘Celtic’ coinage has regional variation but only appears in the southeast of the country; are different coinages treated differently in varying parts of the coin-using regions? Where are these hoards appearing? How did Roman secular activity influence hoard deposition? These are just some of the questions this new research seeks to explore. Using landscape, traditional contextual archaeology, and numismatical techniques, I explore how and where, and indeed if, coin hoarding practices changed in Britain from the later Iron Age to the end of the Flavian period in AD 96.

Primary author

Anni Byard (University of Leicester / Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)

Presentation materials

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