- Jesse Kraft (American Numismatic Society)
At the end of the 18th century, the shortage of small change in the Caribbean Islands was such that the local authorities decided on their own initiative to make coins themselves. In the absence of local mints a practical solution was adopted and spread rapidly in these small territories, whatever the empire they were attached to. The solution was to cut into smaller pieces the large silver...
The pseudo-Netherlands chervonets of the Imperial Cabinet was minted in the Russian Empire between 1770 and 1867. Intended primarily for internal circulation it became the official means of payment in the Russian Empire in 1773 on the initiative of Count Z.G. Chernyshev, the Belarusian Governor-General. The overvalued rate of the unauthorized chervonets madei of cabinet gold in the Dutch...
Cuban 'notas complementarias' are certificates awarded to citizens in recognition of their contribution to State activity through voluntary work and payments to state organisations. This paper looks at their design and function within the Cuban economy, suggesting that their introduction and aesthetic is inspired by revolutionary scrip money and bonds issued in the 1950s.