8–9 Apr 2022
NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The Maths of My Tattoos

8 Apr 2022, 20:15
Atrium (NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst)


NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst


Tom Crawford (Oxford University)


https://tinyurl.com/NWD2022 || Oxford mathematician and YouTuber Dr Tom Crawford - aka Tom Rocks Maths - will explain the meaning behind his many maths-themed tattoos. Topics covered include the most beautiful equation in maths, one-sided bridges that never end, Plato’s explanation of the universe, and a question with an answer worth $1 million... || Bio: Dr Tom Crawford is a mathematician at the University of Oxford and the face of the award-winning Tom Rocks Maths which aims to make maths exciting, engaging and entertaining for all. Whether he’s performing live as the Naked Mathematician with Equations Stripped, telling you about his favourite maths topics on Numberphile, or getting another maths tattoo (12 and counting), it’s safe to say Tom is always finding new ways to misbehave with numbers.

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