Sep 11 – 16, 2022
University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Ancient coin finds in Archaeological contexts of Algeciras Bay (Cadiz, Spain)

Sep 12, 2022, 2:40 PM
Auditorium Maximum - Hall C

Auditorium Maximum - Hall C


Alicia Arévalo-González (Universidad de Cádiz ) Elena Moreno Pulido (Universidad de Cádiz)


In this paper we present the results of recent research projects - SAMOIMAR CEIJ-C04.2; PY20_01295 WONDERCOINS-HIS; 5147126418-126418-4-21 MARIT-SIS- accomplished in the Bay of Algeciras. They focused on the collection and analysis of the coinage from ancient times found on different archaeological sites in this region.
This work is intended primarily to extract information about what the coin evidence can contribute to the knowledge of the movement of people and goods in this key point of nautical activity and maritime trade in the region of the Straits of Gibraltar during ancient times.

Primary author

Alicia Arévalo-González (Universidad de Cádiz )


Elena Moreno Pulido (Universidad de Cádiz)

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