Words of Welcome: Prof. Dr. Thomas Puhl (Rector of University of Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Henning Lobin (Academic Director of IDS), Mayor Dirk Grunert (City of Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Zoe Gavriilidou (EURALEX President), Dr. Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus (Chair of the EURALEX 2022 Organising Committee)
Music: Duo „The Twiolins“ (Marie-Luise and Christoph Dingler, violin; Mannheim)
Chair: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chair: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou
Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou
Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou
Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou
Chair: Kristel Proost
Chair: Kristel Proost
Chair: Kristel Proost
Chair: Kristel Proost
Chair: Kristina Štrkalj Despot
Chair: Kristina Štrkalj Despot
Chair: Kristina Štrkalj Despot
Greetings: Prof. Dr. Heidrun Deborah Kämper (City of Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Henning Lobin (Academic Director of IDS), Prof. Dr. Zoe Gavriilidou (EURALEX President), Dr. Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus (Chair of the EURALEX 2022 Organising Committee)
Music: Claus Kiesselbach (vibraphone solo)
Chair: Lars Trap-Jensen
Chair: Lars Trap-Jensen
Chair: Lars Trap-Jensen
Chair: Andrea Abel
Chair: Andrea Abel
Chair: Andrea Abel
Chair: Andrea Abel
Chair: Andrea Abel
Chair: Tanara Zingano Kuhn
Chair: Tanara Zingano Kuhn
Chair: Tanara Zingano Kuhn
Chair: Tanara Zingano Kuhn
Chair: Tanara Zingano Kuhn
Chair: Stefan Engelberg
Chair: Stefan Engelberg
Chair: Simon Krek
Chair: Simon Krek
Chair: Simon Krek
Chair: Simon Krek
Chair: Carolin Müller-Spitzer
Chair: Carolin Müller-Spitzer
Chair: Carolin Müller-Spitzer
Chair: Thomas Gloning
Chair: Thomas Gloning
Chair: Thomas Gloning
Chair: Thomas Gloning
Film “Dreaming of Words” on the life of Njattyela Sreedharan, who compiled a dictionary connecting four major Dravidian languages. Travelling across four states and doing extensive research, he spent twenty five years making the multilingual dictionary. This unique dictionary offers a comparative study of Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu. The film traces Sreedharan's life, work, love for languages and the struggles to get the dictionary published. The film also explores the linguistic and cultural diversity in India. Trailer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13mGl-hRHoqlPYWGhFSGklx6acvM-9h6g/view
Chair: Ben Zimmer
Chair: Ben Zimmer
Chair: Ben Zimmer
Chair: Ben Zimmer
Chair: Ben Zimmer
Chair: Michael Rundell
Chair: Michael Rundell
Chair: Michael Rundell
Chair: Michael Rundell
Chair: Michael Rundell
Chair: Janusz Taborek
Chair: Janusz Taborek
Chair: Janusz Taborek
Chair: Janusz Taborek
Chair: Janusz Taborek
Chair: Petra Storjohann
Chair: Petra Storjohann
• Mariona Arnau Garcia and Mercè Lorente Casafont: Are emerging economies a reality reflected in our dictionaries?
• Mikyung Baek, Jinsan An and Yelin Go: A Distributional Approach to Korean Semantic Neologisms: Identifying Their First Occurrences and Investigating Their Spread
• Hanno Biber: “Bloody word ripping” – Practical and Theoretical Prospects of a Corpus-based Lexicographic Exploration of the Texts by Thomas Bernhard
• Thierry Declerck: Integration of sign language lexical data in the OntoLex-Lemon framework
• Isidora Despotidou and Zoe Gavriilidou: An online school dictionary in Greek Sign Language for senior elementary pupils
• Nils Diewald, Marc Kupietz and Harald Lüngen: Tokenizing on scale - Preprocessing large text corpora on the lexical and sentence level
• Alexandre Ecker: Equality between women and men, a societal and lexicographical issue - Bringing the content of the Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire in line with the realities of the world and society
• Carolina Flinz, Laura Giacomini and Weronika Szemińska: TermiKnowledge: Ein Einblick in die Datenbeschaffung und Datenaufbereitung eines Online-Fachwörterbuchs zum Thema COVID-19
• Birgit Füreder: Überlegungen zur Modellierung eines multilingualen ‘Periphrastikons’ – ein französisch-italienisch-spanisch-englisch-deutscher Versuch
• Anne-Kathrin Gärtig-Bressan, Laura Balbiani, Martina Nied Curcio and Stefan J. Schierholz: Dictionaries for the Future – The Future of Dictionaries: The 15 Villa Vigoni Theses on Lexicography
• Zoe Gavriilidou and Apostolos Garoufos: The lexicographic protocol of MikaelaLex: a free online school dictionary of Greek accessible for visually-impaired senior elementary children
• Ana-Maria Gînsac, Mihai Alex Moruz and Mădălina Ungureanu: The First Romanian Dictionaries (17th century). Digital Aligned Corpus
• Vanessa Gonzalez Ribao: Fachlexikografie in digitalem Zeitalter: Eine metalexikografische Konzeptionsstudie
• Velibor Ilic, Lenka Bajčetić, Snežana Petrović and Ana Španović: SCyDia: OCR for Serbian Cyrillic with Diacritics - First Step on the Road to Retro-Digitization
• Robert Lew and Sascha Wolfer: Predicting English Wiktionary consultations
• Carla Marello and Sarah Mantegna: The multilingual appendix of Le ricchezze della lingua volgare (1543) by Francesco Alunno. A lexicographer’s “service list” and an intercomprehension tool
• Meike Meliss and Vanessa González Ribao: Vergleichbare Korpora für multilinguale kontrastive Studien: Herausforderungen und Desiderata
• Chris Smith: Testing the OED analysis of two phonesthemes with a corpus study of collocational behaviour of sw- and fl- words in the OEC
• Silga Sviķe: Using Dictionaries in Translation Studies
• Tanara Zingano Kuhn, Špela Arhar Holdt, Rina Zviel Girshin, Ana Luis, Carole Tiberius, Kristina Koppel, Iztok Kosem and Branislava Šandrih Todo-rović: Introducing CrowLL - the Crowdsourcing for Language Learning game
• Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch – Neubearbeitung (IDS Mannheim)
• EMLex – European Master in Lexicography
• Forum Deutsche Sprache (IDS Mannheim)
• Neologismenwörterbuch (IDS Mannheim)
• Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (Stellenbosch University)
Chair: Gilles-Maurice de Schryver
Chair: Gilles-Maurice de Schryver
• Nico Dorn: An Automated Cluster Constructor for a Narrated Dictionary: The Cross-reference Clusters of „Wortgeschichte digital“
• Mireille Ducasse and Archil Elizbarashvili: Finding Lemmas in Agglutinative and Inflectional Language Dictionaries with Logical Information Systems: The Case of Georgian verbs
• Dorielle Lonke, Ilan Kernerman and Vova Dzhuranyuk: Lexical data API
• Larysa Kovbasyuk: Corona bekennt Farbe: phraseologische Neologismen mit Farbnamen im Deutschen und Ukrainischen aus kulturlinguistischer Sicht
• Peter Meyer: Lehnwortportal Deutsch: A New Architecture For Resources On Lexical Borrowings
• Jan Oliver Rüdiger, Sascha Wolfer, Alexander Koplenig, Frank Michaelis and Carolin Müller-Spitzer: Day-to-day collection, exploration, analysis, and visualization of n-gram frequencies in German (online press) language: OWIDplusLIVE
• Annabella Schmitz: RDF-Lifting von Ontolex-Lemon aus dem Digitalen Familiennamenwörterbuch Deutschlands mit XTriples
Chair: Robert Lew
Chair: Robert Lew
Chair: Robert Lew
Chair: Robert Lew
Chair: Thierry Declerck
Chair: Thierry Declerck
Chair: Thierry Declerck
Chair: Thierry Declerck
Chair: Philipp Stöckle
Chair: Philipp Stöckle
Chair: Philipp Stöckle
Chair: Philipp Stöckle
Chair: Stefan Schierholz
Chair: Stefan Schierholz
Chair: Stefan Schierholz
Chair: Stefan Schierholz
Chair: Stefan Schierholz
Chair: Iztok Kosem
Chair: Iztok Kosem
Chair: Iztok Kosem
Chair: Iztok KosemChair: Iztok Kosem
Chair: Iztok Kosem
Chair: Rufus H. Gouws
Chair: Rufus H. Gouws
Chair: Rufus H. Gouws
Chair: Rufus H. Gouws
Chair: Rufus H. Gouws
Chair: Christine Möhrs
Chair: Christine Möhrs
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chair: Martina Nied Curcio
Chair: Martina Nied Curcio
Chair: Martina Nied Curcio
Chair: Martina Nied Curcio
Chair: Stefan Engelberg
Chair: Stefan Engelberg
Chair: Stefan Engelberg
Chair: Stefan Engelberg
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chair: Sascha Wolfer
Chair: Sascha Wolfer
Chair: Sascha Wolfer
Chair: Nicola McLelland
Chair: Nicola McLelland
Chair: Nicola McLelland
Chair: Nicola McLelland
Chair: Carole Tiberius
Chair: Carole Tiberius
Chair: Carole Tiberius
Chair: Carole Tiberius
Chair: Carole Tiberius
Chair: Oddrun Grønvik
Chair: Oddrun Grønvik
Chair: Oddrun Grønvik
Chair: Oddrun Grønvik
Chair: Kathrin Steyer
Chair: Kathrin Steyer
Chair: Kathrin Steyer
Chair: Kathrin Steyer
Chair: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Chair: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus