22–24 Jun 2023
Yonsei University
Asia/Seoul timezone

Compiling the Yonsei Korean Synonyms Dictionary for learners and dictionary users

22 Jun 2023, 15:00
Kwak Joung-Hwan Challenge Hall

Kwak Joung-Hwan Challenge Hall


Sunhye Kim Mi-Kyung Bong


The purpose of this study is to introduce the compilation process and characteristics of the new "Yonsei Korean Synonyms Dictionary" and to suggest ways to utilize it.
Despite the importance of synonym distinction for language learners and teachers, so far, synonyms dictionaries have often presented synonyms lists as thesaurus. So, we introduce the new "Yonsei Korean Synonyms Dictionary" as the new model Korean Thesaurus and discuss what information is presented and how the information is illustrated. We provide the lexical information and description of synonyms based on analyzing corpus, not dictionary compilers' intuition.
And the macro structure and micro structure of the "Yonsei Korean Synonyms Dictionary" is especially designed to distinguish synonyms. The contents of this dictionary can be used in various ways in developing textbooks for language learners, and in this study, we will also look at the use of this dictionary.

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