Jun 22 – 24, 2023
Yonsei University
Asia/Seoul timezone

(Meta)phraseography and phraseomatics: DiCoP, a computerized resource of phraseological units

Jun 24, 2023, 2:00 PM
Lah Jeh Kun Hall

Lah Jeh Kun Hall


Lian Chen


This article presents the Dictionary and Corpus of Phraseology (DiCoP) project, whose main objective is the development of a multilingual electronic dictionary of phraseology (currently French–Chinese and Chinese–French) relating to phraseological units. The current study focuses on Chinese to French, and among the different types of fixed expressions, more precisely on French idiomatic expressions and their Chinese correspondent, the chéngyǔ, both characterized by a high degree of fixedness.
This project comprises several innovative aspects: 1) (meta)phraseography, or digital phraseography; 2) phraseodidactics with DiCoP-Learning; and 3) phraseotraductology and corpus with DiCoP-Text.

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