17–18 Oct 2024
VNU Hanoi, University of Languages and International Studies
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone

Ethnic Churches and Second- Generation Korean Brazilians in São Paulo

Not scheduled
VNU Hanoi, University of Languages and International Studies

VNU Hanoi, University of Languages and International Studies


Jihye Kim (University of Central Lancashire)


Ethnic Churches and Second-Generation Korean Brazilians in São Paulo
김지혜 (Jihye Kim), University of Central Lancashire

Despite the essential role ethnic churches play in preserving ethnic culture and identity, a considerable portion of second-generation Korean Brazilians drift away from their congregations. This phenomenon, termed the "silent exodus," prompts inquiry into how Korean Brazilians sustain a sense of belonging and community post-departure. Through ethnographic research conducted in São Paulo, this study seeks to delve into the varied experiences of second-generation Korean Brazilians who have disengaged from their ethnic churches compared to those who remain affiliated. Regardless of church attendance, young Korean Brazilians demonstrate high involvement in social activities with fellow Koreans, indicating that non-participation in ethnic churches does not significantly impact their sense of belonging, community, or identity formation. The research also indicates that factors such as the hybridized nature of their culture, socioeconomic status, and the substantial presence of a well-established Japanese community influence this phenomenon. Therefore, it is crucial to interpret the dynamics of Korean Brazilians' disaffiliation within the broader context of Brazil's ethnically diverse and socially stratified society.

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