XX EURALEX International Congress

Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim) (Mannheim)

Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)


    • eLexis Pre-Conference Workshop IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06 (Leibniz Institute for the German Language)

      IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

      Leibniz Institute for the German Language

      R 5, 6-13 68161 Mannheim
      • 1
        Introduction IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        Leibniz Institute for the German Language

        R 5, 6-13 68161 Mannheim
      • 2
        Overview of ELEXIS tools and services IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        Leibniz Institute for the German Language

        R 5, 6-13 68161 Mannheim
      • 3
        Elexifier IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        Leibniz Institute for the German Language

        R 5, 6-13 68161 Mannheim
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 4
        Elexifier + Lexonomy IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        Leibniz Institute for the German Language

        R 5, 6-13 68161 Mannheim
      • 1:00 PM
      • 5
        Lexonomy, Elexifinder, LexVoc IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        Leibniz Institute for the German Language

        R 5, 6-13 68161 Mannheim
      • 3:40 PM
        Coffee Break
      • 6
        Discussion about ELEXIS Association (hybrid) IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        IDS "Vortragssaal" 0.06

        Leibniz Institute for the German Language

        R 5, 6-13 68161 Mannheim
    • 7
      Registration Entrance Hall, East Wing (Mannheim Palace) (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      Entrance Hall, East Wing (Mannheim Palace)

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • 8
      Opening & Welcome SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Words of Welcome: Prof. Dr. Thomas Puhl (Rector of University of Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Henning Lobin (Academic Director of IDS), Mayor Dirk Grunert (City of Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Zoe Gavriilidou (EURALEX President), Dr. Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus (Chair of the EURALEX 2022 Organising Committee)

      Music: Duo „The Twiolins“ (Marie-Luise and Christoph Dingler, violin; Mannheim)

    • Keynote I – Rufus Gouws: Dictionaries: bridges, dykes and sluice gates SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Session 1: Bilingual Dictionaries O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou

      • 10
        Iztok Kosem: The Comprehensive Slovenian-Hungarian Dictionary: bilingual lexicography meets monolingual lexicography

        Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou

      • 11
        Voula Giouli, Anna Vacalopoulou, Nikos Sidiropoulos, Christina Flouda, Athanasios Doupa and Gregory Stainhaouer: From Mythos to Logos: a bilingual thesaurus tailored to meet users’ needs within the ecosystem of Cultural Tourism

        Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou

      • 12
        Anke Mueller, Gabriele Langer, Felicitas Otte and Sabrina Wähl: Creating a Dictionary of a Signed Minority Language: A Bilingualized Monolingual Dictionary of German Sign Language

        Chair: Zoe Gavriilidou

    • Session 2: Lexicology O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Kristel Proost

      • 13
        Claudia Lauer and Birgit Herbers: Hapax legomena in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters. Bedingungen, Verfahren und Bedeutungen – Ein Projektbericht

        Chair: Kristel Proost

      • 14
        Geda Paulsen, Ene Vainik, Maria Tuulik and Ahti Lohk: The morphosyntactic profile of prototypical adjectives in Estonian

        Chair: Kristel Proost

      • 15
        Rita Calabrese and Katherine Russo: Metaphorical Constructions in Indian English and Australian Aboriginal English: From Compositionality to Grammaticality

        Chair: Kristel Proost

    • Session 3: Dictionary Projects O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Kristina Štrkalj Despot

    • 18
      Reception „Gartensaal“, Central Castle Area (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      „Gartensaal“, Central Castle Area

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Greetings: Prof. Dr. Heidrun Deborah Kämper (City of Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Henning Lobin (Academic Director of IDS), Prof. Dr. Zoe Gavriilidou (EURALEX President), Dr. Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus (Chair of the EURALEX 2022 Organising Committee)

      Music: Claus Kiesselbach (vibraphone solo)

    • Session 1: Semantics O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Lars Trap-Jensen

      • 19
        Robert Krovetz: An Investigation of Sense Ordering across Dictionaries with Respect to Lexical Semantic Relationships

        Chair: Lars Trap-Jensen

      • 20
        Daniele Franceschi: Lexicographic representations of Anglo-Saxon and Latinate near-synonyms in English monolingual and English-Italian bilingual learners’ dictionaries

        Chair: Lars Trap-Jensen

    • Session 2: Dictionaries and Society O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Andrea Abel

    • Session 3: Corpora in Lexicography O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Tanara Zingano Kuhn

    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Keynote II – Thomas Gloning: Ways of living, communication and the dynamics of word usage. How did German dictionaries cope with socio-cultural aspects and evolution of word usage and how could future systems do even better? SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim

      Chair: Stefan Engelberg

      • 29
        Keynote II – Thomas Gloning: Ways of living, communication and the dynamics of word usage. How did German dictionaries cope with socio-cultural aspects and evolution of word usage and how could future systems do even better?

        Chair: Stefan Engelberg

    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Session 1: Databases in Lexicography O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Simon Krek

    • Session 2: Dictionary Use O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Carolin Müller-Spitzer

    • Session 3: Historical Lexicography: German O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Thomas Gloning

    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Social Programme: guided tours, excursions, film
      • 38
        Film: "Dreaming of Words" (Room: SO 108) SO 108

        SO 108

        Film “Dreaming of Words” on the life of Njattyela Sreedharan, who compiled a dictionary connecting four major Dravidian languages. Travelling across four states and doing extensive research, he spent twenty five years making the multilingual dictionary. This unique dictionary offers a comparative study of Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu. The film traces Sreedharan's life, work, love for languages and the struggles to get the dictionary published. The film also explores the linguistic and cultural diversity in India. Trailer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13mGl-hRHoqlPYWGhFSGklx6acvM-9h6g/view

      • 39
        Guided tour: Modern and historical Mannheim
      • 40
        Guided tour: Open Urban StreetArt in Mannheim (Neckarstadt-West)
      • 41
        Excursion to the "Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch" (Heidelberg)
      • 42
        Excursion: A City of Names – An Onomastic City Tour Through Mainz (CANCELLED; the registered persons will find an alternative in their inboxes)
    • Session 1: Dictionaries and Society O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Ben Zimmer

      • 43
        Carolin Müller-Spitzer and Jan-Oliver Rüdiger: The influence of the corpus base on the representation of gender stereotypes in the dictionary. A case study for corpus-based dictionaries of German

        Chair: Ben Zimmer

      • 44
        Marcin Zabawa: What do we learn about the society from the examples of usage in dictionaries? On (non-)stereotypical roles of men and women in English and Polish monolingual general dictionaries: a contrastive study

        Chair: Ben Zimmer

      • 45
        Laura Pinnavaia: Identifying ideological strategies in the making of English language learners’ dictionaries

        Chair: Ben Zimmer

      • 46
        Christine Ganslmayer: Using Dialect Dictionaries as a Data Base: Stereotypes of People in the ‚Franconian Dictionary‘

        Chair: Ben Zimmer

    • Session 2: Historical Lexicology O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Michael Rundell

    • Session 3: Lexicography: Status, Theory and Methods O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Janusz Taborek

    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Keynote III – Nicola McLelland: Women in the history of lexicography SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Petra Storjohann

    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Poster Session & Project Fair (on site) „Aula“ = O 101 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      „Aula“ = O 101

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      • 56
        Poster Session (on site)

        • Mariona Arnau Garcia and Mercè Lorente Casafont: Are emerging economies a reality reflected in our dictionaries?
        • Mikyung Baek, Jinsan An and Yelin Go: A Distributional Approach to Korean Semantic Neologisms: Identifying Their First Occurrences and Investigating Their Spread
        • Hanno Biber: “Bloody word ripping” – Practical and Theoretical Prospects of a Corpus-based Lexicographic Exploration of the Texts by Thomas Bernhard
        • Thierry Declerck: Integration of sign language lexical data in the OntoLex-Lemon framework
        • Isidora Despotidou and Zoe Gavriilidou: An online school dictionary in Greek Sign Language for senior elementary pupils
        • Nils Diewald, Marc Kupietz and Harald Lüngen: Tokenizing on scale - Preprocessing large text corpora on the lexical and sentence level
        • Alexandre Ecker: Equality between women and men, a societal and lexicographical issue - Bringing the content of the Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire in line with the realities of the world and society
        • Carolina Flinz, Laura Giacomini and Weronika Szemińska: TermiKnowledge: Ein Einblick in die Datenbeschaffung und Datenaufbereitung eines Online-Fachwörterbuchs zum Thema COVID-19
        • Birgit Füreder: Überlegungen zur Modellierung eines multilingualen ‘Periphrastikons’ – ein französisch-italienisch-spanisch-englisch-deutscher Versuch
        • Anne-Kathrin Gärtig-Bressan, Laura Balbiani, Martina Nied Curcio and Stefan J. Schierholz: Dictionaries for the Future – The Future of Dictionaries: The 15 Villa Vigoni Theses on Lexicography
        • Zoe Gavriilidou and Apostolos Garoufos: The lexicographic protocol of MikaelaLex: a free online school dictionary of Greek accessible for visually-impaired senior elementary children
        • Ana-Maria Gînsac, Mihai Alex Moruz and Mădălina Ungureanu: The First Romanian Dictionaries (17th century). Digital Aligned Corpus
        • Vanessa Gonzalez Ribao: Fachlexikografie in digitalem Zeitalter: Eine metalexikografische Konzeptionsstudie
        • Velibor Ilic, Lenka Bajčetić, Snežana Petrović and Ana Španović: SCyDia: OCR for Serbian Cyrillic with Diacritics - First Step on the Road to Retro-Digitization
        • Robert Lew and Sascha Wolfer: Predicting English Wiktionary consultations
        • Carla Marello and Sarah Mantegna: The multilingual appendix of Le ricchezze della lingua volgare (1543) by Francesco Alunno. A lexicographer’s “service list” and an intercomprehension tool
        • Meike Meliss and Vanessa González Ribao: Vergleichbare Korpora für multilinguale kontrastive Studien: Herausforderungen und Desiderata
        • Chris Smith: Testing the OED analysis of two phonesthemes with a corpus study of collocational behaviour of sw- and fl- words in the OEC
        • Silga Sviķe: Using Dictionaries in Translation Studies
        • Tanara Zingano Kuhn, Špela Arhar Holdt, Rina Zviel Girshin, Ana Luis, Carole Tiberius, Kristina Koppel, Iztok Kosem and Branislava Šandrih Todo-rović: Introducing CrowLL - the Crowdsourcing for Language Learning game

      • 57
        Project Fair (on site)

        • Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch – Neubearbeitung (IDS Mannheim)
        • EMLex – European Master in Lexicography
        • Forum Deutsche Sprache (IDS Mannheim)
        • Neologismenwörterbuch (IDS Mannheim)
        • Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (Stellenbosch University)

    • Software Demonstrations (online video presentations) SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

      • 58
        Software Demonstrations (online video presentations)

        Chair: Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

        • Nico Dorn: An Automated Cluster Constructor for a Narrated Dictionary: The Cross-reference Clusters of „Wortgeschichte digital“
        • Mireille Ducasse and Archil Elizbarashvili: Finding Lemmas in Agglutinative and Inflectional Language Dictionaries with Logical Information Systems: The Case of Georgian verbs
        • Dorielle Lonke, Ilan Kernerman and Vova Dzhuranyuk: Lexical data API
        • Larysa Kovbasyuk: Corona bekennt Farbe: phraseologische Neologismen mit Farbnamen im Deutschen und Ukrainischen aus kulturlinguistischer Sicht
        • Peter Meyer: Lehnwortportal Deutsch: A New Architecture For Resources On Lexical Borrowings
        • Jan Oliver Rüdiger, Sascha Wolfer, Alexander Koplenig, Frank Michaelis and Carolin Müller-Spitzer: Day-to-day collection, exploration, analysis, and visualization of n-gram frequencies in German (online press) language: OWIDplusLIVE
        • Annabella Schmitz: RDF-Lifting von Ontolex-Lemon aus dem Digitalen Familiennamenwörterbuch Deutschlands mit XTriples

    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Session 1: Dictionary Use O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Robert Lew

    • Session 2: Data Models and Data Bases in Lexicography O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Thierry Declerck

    • Session 3: Specialized Dictionaries O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Philipp Stöckle

    • 68
      Conference Dinner Ship landing stage at the “Kurpfalz” bridge

      Ship landing stage at the “Kurpfalz” bridge

    • Session 1: EMLex – Young Researchers O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Stefan Schierholz

      • 69
        Konan Jean Mermoz Kouassi: Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion im lexikographischen Prozess zu lexikalischen Informationssystemen

        Chair: Stefan Schierholz

      • 70
        Clarissa Stincone: Usage labels in Basnage de Beauval's Dictionnaire universel of 1701

        Chair: Stefan Schierholz

      • 72
        Stefan J. Schierholz: Presentation of EMLex Master Programme

        Chair: Stefan Schierholz

    • Session 2: Data Models O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Iztok Kosem

      • 73
        Manuel Márquez Cruz: Un modelo estructural de datos lexicográficos para la codificación en XML de un diccionario de aprendizaje de latín: la DTD de los lemas verbales

        Chair: Iztok Kosem

      • 74
        Ana Ostroški Anić and Ivana Brač: AirFrame: Mapping the field of aviation through semantic frames

        Chair: Iztok Kosem

      • 75
        Yevhen Kupriianov, Iryna Ostapova, Volodymyr Shyrokov and Mykyta Yablochkov: Virtual Lexicographic Laboratory as a Linguist Assistant in Conducting Dictionary-based Researches: Case of VLL DLE 23

        Chair: Iztok KosemChair: Iztok Kosem

      • 76
        Anna Vacalopoulou, Eleni Efthimiou, Stavroula-Evita Fotinea, Theodoros Goulas, Athanasia-Lida Dimou and Kiki Vasilaki: Organizing a bilingual lexicographic database with the use of WordNet

        Chair: Iztok Kosem

    • Session 3: Specialized Dictionaries O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Rufus H. Gouws

      • 77
        María Pozzi: Design of a dictionary to help school children to understand basic mathematical concepts

        Chair: Rufus H. Gouws

      • 78
        Lorna Morris: The treatment of human reproductive organs in school dictionaries, with recommendations for South African primary school dictionaries

        Chair: Rufus H. Gouws

      • 79
        Maria Aldea: Bien écrire, bien parler au XIXe siècle. Le rôle du dictionnaire dans l'apprentissage de la langue maternelle. Le cas du roumain

        Chair: Rufus H. Gouws

      • 80
        Harald Bichlmeier: Almanca tuhfe / Deutsches Geschenk (1916) - oder: Wie schreibt man deutsch mit arabischen Buchstaben?

        Chair: Rufus H. Gouws

    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Keynote IV – Martina Nied Curcio: Dictionaries, Foreign Language Learners and Teachers. New Challenges in the Digital Era SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Christine Möhrs

      • 81
        Keynote IV – Martina Nied Curcio: Dictionaries, Foreign Language Learners and Teachers. New Challenges in the Digital Era

        Chair: Christine Möhrs

    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology: Session 1: GWLN-4 O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

      • 82
        Gilles-Maurice de Schryver and Minah Nabirye: Towards a monitor corpus for a Bantu language: A case study of neology detection in Lusoga

        Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

      • 83
        Emmanuel Cartier: Diachronic semantic evolution automatic tracking: A pilot study in modern and contemporary French combining dependency analysis and contextual embeddings

        Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

      • 84
        Jun Choi and Hae-Yun Jung: On loans in Korean new word formation from a short-term diachronic perspective and in lexicography

        Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

    • Session 2: Promoting Dictionary Use O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Martina Nied Curcio

    • Session 3: Dictionary Projects O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Stefan Engelberg

      • 88
        Anna Pavlova: Zweisprachiges Online-Wörterbuch der Phrasem-Konstruktionen: Vorstellung eines neuen Projektes

        Chair: Stefan Engelberg

      • 89
        Kyriaki Salveridou and Zoe Gavriilidou: Compilation of an Ancient Greek – Modern Greek online thesaurus for teaching purposes: microstructure and macrostructure

        Chair: Stefan Engelberg

      • 90
        Hauke Bartels: The Long Road to a Historical Dictionary (Online Information System) of Lower Sorbian

        Chair: Stefan Engelberg

    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology: Session 1: GWLN-4 O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chairs: Ilan Kernerman & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

    • Session 2 Dictionary Use O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Sascha Wolfer

      • 94
        Manuel Raaf: Evaluation des User Centered Designs eines Sprachinformationssystems: Planung, Durchführung und Ergebnisse einer Benutzerumfrage zu Usability und User Experience

        Chair: Sascha Wolfer

      • 95
        Agnes Wigestrand Hoftun: Consultation behavior in L1 error correction: An exploratory study on the use of online resources in the Norwegian context

        Chair: Sascha Wolfer

    • Session 3: Dictionaries and Society O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Nicola McLelland

    • 99
      General Assembly (for EURALEX members) SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Session 1: Dictionary Writing Systems O 151 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 151

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Carole Tiberius

      • 100
        Julian Jarosch: Digitale Lexikografie mit Hausmitteln – ein Fallbeispiel zum digitalen Arbeiten ohne Sachmittel

        Chair: Carole Tiberius

      • 101
        Takahiro Makino, Rei Miyata, Seo Sungwon and Satoshi Sato: Designing and Building a Japanese Controlled Language for Automotive Domain: Toward the Development of a Writing Assistant Tool

        Chair: Carole Tiberius

      • 102
        Adriane Orenha Ottaiano, Maria Eugênia Olímpio de Oliveira Silva, Carlos Roberto Valêncio and João Pedro Quadrado: Developing a Collocation Dictionary Writing System (COLDWS) for an Online Multilingual Collocations Dictionary Platform (PLATCOL)

        Chair: Carole Tiberius

      • 103
        Alberto Simões and Ana Salgado: Smart Dictionary Editing with LeXmart

        Chair: Carole Tiberius

    • Session 2: Historical Lexicography: Romance and Other Languages O 148 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 148

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Oddrun Grønvik

      • 104
        Anaïs Chambat: The legacy of nineteenth-century medical lexicographers: the 'Capuron-Nysten-Littré' lineage between breaks and continuities

        Chair: Oddrun Grønvik

      • 105
        Mihai Alex Moruz and Mădălina Ungureanu: 17th Century Romanian Lexical Resources and their Influence on Romanian Written Tradition

        Chair: Oddrun Grønvik

      • 106
        Maria Arapopoulou, Georgios Kalafikis, Sotiris Tselikas, Dimitra Karamitsou and Efstratios Sarischoulis: “Vocabula Grammatica”: threading a digital Ariadne’s string in the labyrinth of Ancient Greek scholarship

        Chair: Oddrun Grønvik

    • Session 3: Phraseology & Collocations O 145 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      O 145

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Kathrin Steyer

    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break „Katakomben“ (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))


      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • Keynote V – Ben Zimmer: The Evolving Definition of “Racism” and its Trail of Text-Artifacts SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

      Chair: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

      • 110
        Keynote V – Ben Zimmer: The Evolving Definition of “Racism” and its Trail of Text-Artifacts

        Chair: Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus

    • 111
      Closing & Goodbye SO 108 (Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim))

      SO 108

      Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim)

    • 112
      Adam Kilgarriff Memorial Hike