In January 2022, five months after the fall of Kabul, a group of 172 primarily Hazara refugees arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, having earlier travelled across the border to Pakistan amidst one of the largest and most protracted displacement crises in the history of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Afghan newcomers and their children have been supported throughout a...
This study aims to elucidate the relationship among the context, identity, and life experiences of Chinese student athletes of Tsinghua University, in which a number of Olympic gold medallists were developed in a way that is distinct from the talent development of the traditional Chinese elite sport system. Drawing on the Constructivist Grounded Theory, qualitative data, collected through 20...
During the last decade, football fans in Europe became more active and participated in different (symbolic) struggles for power in football and beyond. Nummerato (2018) compared fan activism in different European countries and detected both similarities and national singularities. This presentation aims to go a big deepeer and compare the reasons and dynamics of fan activism over a decade in...
Few studies have focused on people with hearing loss and intellectual disabilities engaging in gambling activities. Less is known about people with visual impairments and their sports betting activities in the non-Western context. This study employs a sociological approach to analyse sports betting among students with visual impairments to understand how social structures and institutions may...
Sports makeup has become a trend in media culture. Many researchers indicated that sportswomen who chosen to wear make-up on the field have been viewed as a way to perform societal gender expectation (Bruce, 2016; Daniels, 2012; Jones & Greer, 2011; Krane, 2001). Moreover, the function of hashtags in sports social media has been connected with social expectations as well as keyword trends. The...
Menopausal bodies have gained in visibility recently. Greater attention has been given to women’s experiences of their changing bodies in a range of public settings, in large part attributed to a partial reversal of medical orthodoxy about HRT and the campaigning efforts of public figures. This has led to the abandonment of taboos and stereotypes about the bodies of maturing women around the...
The objective of this paper is to examine the role of sport within the global deradicalization and countering violent extremism (CVE) industry. Deradicalization is a social and psychological intervention that reduces an individual’s commitment to, and involvement in, radicalization such that they are no longer at risk of involvement in terrorism (Horgan, 2009). Sport has recently become...
National Sport Governing Bodies (NSGBs) have emphasized sport integrity which can be defined as “manifestations of the ethics and values which promote community confidence in sports” (Australian Government, 2016). Globally, NSGBs struggle to prevent and address integrity issues and rethink how they promote integrity and minimise integrity risks and violations by way of good governance and...
In the last two decades the recent research has indicated the need to analyze students in order to create PE curricula that are accepted and considered important by the interested parties themselves. So far in Poland, the voice of students regarding the PE curriculum has been marginalized, therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the meanings that students give to PE and physical...
This study focuses on the linkages between sport, development, and diplomacy in the South Korean context. Current approaches to the use of sport to achieve (social) development goals can be traced to the longstanding tradition of “sport for good” stemming from the 19th century British public school system. Korea’s initial involvement in sport for good was influenced with the first introduction...
Researchers' focus on the gender issues in esports has mostly been about online harassment, bullying, etc. However, there are few discussions about how the structure of the industry influences gender issue in it. In traditional sports, such as baseball, football, basketball, we can easily see the gender inequity phenomenon, so what about in esports? In this article, I want to explain the...
Integrity is both an expanding concept and an intensifying agenda in sport policy and governance. To prevent, detect and discipline unethical conduct, governments (and umbrella sport organisations) have advanced new legislation, ombudsmen, dedicated policy units, whistleblower hotlines, databases, integrity officers, education campaigns, and mediation services. Importantly, the targets and...
Self-tracking tools have become so commonplace in our daily lives that interaction with them has become almost invisible. Therefore, documenting the appropriation of these tools in daily routines is complex. In order to study the subconscious affective and sensory experiences of interactions between humans and their self-tracking tools we asked long-time self-tracking runners to perform a run...
I have previously presented arguments for understanding skateboarding as a queer act. Queerness has been defined as ‘being’ and ‘doing’ that challenges and defies normative scripts in order to create new possibilities. Skateboarding is a practice that reimagines and repurposes the urban landscape by manipulating its designs for unintended purposes and creating new relationships with space. In...
Powerchair Hockey (PCH) is a sport for electric wheelchair users. The majority of players are living with degenerative diseases. Their life expectancy is usually around 30 years, and most players keep on playing until they die. Thus, death is inherent to PCH.
I conducted an ethnography of PCH in Switzerland. Participants co-contributed to defining the research questions. The legitimacy of...
The purpose of this study is to explore the media discourses from major Spanish news agencies regarding female soccer players during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. 32 male and 26 female soccer games were held from July 21st to August 8th in 2021. Data were collected from Agencia EFE, El País and Diario ABC using keywords such as Juegos Olímpicos (the Olympic Games), Tokio 2020 (Tokyo 2020) and...
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, there has been growing discussion of a ‘bicycle boom’ taking place around the world (Coulibaly, 2020). However, though a ‘bicycle boom’ may have occurred, critical analyses of cycling remains imperative, particularly since cycling may “reinforce the already existing social, spatial and racial fault lines within cities” (Doucet & Mazumder,...
Ghana became the 119th country in the world to ratify United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Through this ratification, Ghana accepted to ensure that Ghanaians experiencing disability will be treated as equal citizens with equal rights to enable them to flourish. Specifically, Article 30.5 of the UNCRPD discusses rights of persons with disability and the...
Fighting between 1988 and 2001, Palestinian boxer Johar Abu Lashin wanted to use his sport to pursue “peaceful co-existence” between Palestinians living in Occupied Israel and Israeli citizens. His victories, he hoped, could be used as inspiring and harmonizing moments for “all the people of Israel, both Jews and Arabs” to promote a sense of togetherness and unity. Boxing in America, however,...
In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the global north around the practice of mixed abilities sport (MAS). At the heart of this movement’s philosophy is the removal of barriers (e.g., age, disability, gender, and socio-economic status) that hinder involvement in more traditional sporting cultures. However, we seem to have been here before. In this paper we explore how the...
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have declared that physical inactivity is a problem that affects all the countries of the world and the strategic place to solve this problem are schools. The aim of this study was to understand how the school playground can become a space to develop body practices that can...
Young males report the central role of sport in many areas of their lived experience: wellbeing, identity, belonging and community connection among them. The place of aggression in sport has also received much attention. This paper discusses research with 16–25-year-old males from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in Australia, focusing on how sport has enabled them to learn...
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) officially recognized esports as a sport in 2017 during the 6th Olympic Summit. Furthermore, for the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, eSports was declared as an official medal sport. The IOC also confirmed that its inaugural Olympic Esports Week will take place in Singapore between in June 2023. A major player in e-sports consumption, China's...
Le sport, l’activité physique ou le plein air sont utilisés dans des contextes variés pour soutenir des objectifs de développement durable et humain en lien avec la santé, l’éducation, la cohésion sociale ou encore la formation et l’employabilité des personnes. Dans ce projet nommé « Niska » par les participants, le sport a servi d’intermédiaire pour favoriser un enrichissement mutuel, sur le...
This paper aims to provide an account of the evolution of Korean para sport athletes’ development strategy, which was created based on the benchmarking of non-para athletes’ development policy. The first year of the research was devoted to the collection of practices from other counties, such as Canada, Japan, USA, UK and Australia; that is, mainly the countries the KPC considered developed...
The state of current educational systems cannot be understood outside of the rise of neoliberalism, which is the defining context of the privatization of education and policies designed to meet parental expectations for more diverse and expanded school curricula for their children. In Quebec, this trend has been identified as the "double fragmentation of the school system" (Lessard, 2019), a...
Since 1970, the Arctic Winter Games have been bringing together young people from across the circumpolar north. This sporting and cultural gathering prioritises sharing and exchange between young people and promotes indigenous cultural and sporting practices (Dene Games, Arctic sports). As such, the Games’ purpose is to contribute to building an Arctic community. Furthermore, via their...
The underrepresentation of women coaches worldwide is a significant issue facing sport. While research shows women coaches bring many benefits to the sport environment, significant barriers preclude women from coaching, including gender role assumptions, experiences of harassment, a male dominated environment, competing domestic responsibilities, low pay or an unclear career pathway, lack of...
Within the contexts of New Zealand and Norway, where an increased number of private actors in sport are observed, we ask the research question: What should we call a young football player, based on their relationship with the organization that provide sport for them? We apply an institutional perspective on neoliberalism and a case study design with qualitative data from various actors’...
Boxing has been the subject of an ongoing debate of its effects on the physical and mental health of participants as well as the legitimization and glamourization of physical violence which may result in the exploitation of men and women from vulnerable socioeconomic communities. To the contrary, advocates argue that boxing provides a healthy lifestyle alternative to the appeals of antisocial...
Indigenous baseball players play an important role in Taiwan baseball. In Taiwanese professional baseball, more than 40% of the players are indigenous. This study examines the relationship between the Taiwanese indigenous’s socio-economic status and baseball participation. The research methods are semi-structured interviews and participatory observations on 15 high school new graduate...
The anxiety associated with public locker rooms have proven to be one of the most substantive barriers to engagement in sport and physical exercise for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Haegele & Maher, 2022). However, little is known about existing and/or potential accommodations to help improve the locker room experience for people with ASD. This presents a troubling dichotomy: On...
COVID-19’s impact on physical activity in local neighbourhoods has been significant given that many communities have had to severely limit access to or completely close physical activity spaces in efforts to help reduce transmission risk. As a direct consequence, some local governments in Canada turned their attentions to re/organizing infrastructure such as major public roads and streets...
For the first time, the East Asian Youth Games, formerly the East Asian Games, were scheduled to be held in Taichung of Taiwan in 2019 following four years of preparation. However, Taichung's hosting rights were revoked by the East Asian Olympic Committee on July 24, 2018. Why was the 2019 EAYG - one of the few international sporting events in which Taiwan won the bid - cancelled? Did the...
This paper examines how international discourse on sex testing is localized in South Korea and used as a means of policing athletes’ bodies in local sports leagues. Since the World Athletics and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) instituted sex testing in the 1940s, it has provoked a persistent debate on its aim, necessity, effects, standards, legitimacy, and practices in public as well...
This paper seeks to shine a sociological light on the recent and rapid rise of LIV – a new professional golf tour, financed by the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, that is causing considerable concern in the established golf profession – the PGA. The paper frames the PGA as a longstanding profession and ‘moral community’ (Durkheim, 1952), which saw its position, until recently, as...
A foundational purpose of the sociology of sport is “to critically examine the role, function and meaning of sport in the lives of people and the societies they form” (ISSA, 2016). From theoretical perspectives borne within the sociology of sport, sports are substantive cultural experiences that can advance diverse social goals, including responding to the needs/interests of student groups...
Peripheral countries hosted the main sporting events in the 21st century, we can say that these countries had a strategic interest in organizing mega-events. This study will analyze the way in which the peripheral countries used the mega sporting events as a discourse to expand their political influence and as public diplomacy. As objectives we will seek to: discuss the concept of diplomacy of...
This paper takes as its point of departure how semi-professional sportswomen talk about their own alcohol use. Drawing on semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with 21 sportswomen in three elite codes in Australian women’s sport: rugby league, netball and Australian Rules Football, the paper describes how these women narrated their own drinking, and its relationship to their...
This presentation intends to analyze the links that Paralympic athletes and their staff members establish between the Paralympic athletes’ selfpresentation as cyborgs or supercrips and their access to sponsors. Based on an interview survey of 15 Paralympic athletes and 42 members of their staff, we will show that not all Paralympic athletes can be associated with inspirational cyborg or...
The system of settler colonialization in Canada has made Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQ+, and disabled community members increasingly vulnerable to poverty, violence, and policing. The (post-)COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis context has created an urgent need to support community members who are experiencing the exacerbated effects of inequality that have preceded the pandemic. Although...
Since its introduction by Roland Robertson’s seminal work in 1992, the concept of glocalisation has been widely adopted and discussed across a variety of disciplines including the sociology of sport. In their conceptual paper, Giulianotti and Robertson (2012) identified mega-events – along with sports, business and identity – as one of the four key fields of inquiry into glocalisation within...
Even though sport has been characterized by scoring higher, winning against the other team, improving performance that are highly based on competition, there are other ways to conceptualize the nature and purpose of sports. Especially, folk physical education and activity hold a significant potential to challenge the Anglo-Saxon sport culture and organization. Following Alexey Kylasov's...
Wellbeing has emerged as a central feature of social life. By virtue of its intersection with politics, economics, health, education, and consumer lifestyle – wellbeing is now a key concept within an ever-expanding network of discourses and policies linked to state policy, power and resources. This presentation explores the contested terrain of wellbeing by examining it in relation to various...
Despite numerous interventions for equality between women and men in sports, the number of women sport coaches has not increased. Even though women’s participation in sports and qualification for coaching has increased, the representation of women in sports coaching has rather declined (La Voi, 2014). That said, scholars argue that the underrepresentation of women in the coaching role is a...
The aim of this study was to understand Deaf as agents who had the potential to diverge from the dominant discourse, such as suppression and helplessness, by exploring the negotiation processes between Deaf culture and hearing culture through the experiences of Deaf athletes. As a theoretical framework, the concept of cultural hybridity presented by Bhabha (1994) provided a basis for analysis...
The socio-economic and socio-cultural situation of a particular athlete affects their concept of empowerment and fulfillment, especially in the sporting world. Bodybuilding, which is a non mainstream sport in developing countries like the Philippines, shows this dynamic, especially in training, coaching, and engagement in fitness and physique sports by women. Even though there are a number of...
Like many urban centres across Europe, Liverpool was hard hit by the socio-economic realities of government austerity and the Covid-19 pandemic. To help prevent the city’s foodbanks from emptying, Fans Supporting Foodbanks was set up in 2015 to raise funds and groceries in the battle against food insecurity. Established by normally opposed fan groups in Liverpool, the concept has grown, with...
Persons with a migration background (PMM) are underrepresented in German sports clubs, hindering the integrative potential of organised sports activities. This phenomenon has been explained in past research mostly through individual factors such as socialisation or personal preference. This research project aims to investigate underrepresentation from a structural perspective, filling a...
High school baseball players first appeared in professional league in Taiwan as early as 1998. However, it was not an official and systemized entry for them until 2013 when the first draft for high school players came into play. Compared to most players who announced their eligibility in college, these 18-year-old players took a big gamble on their career decisions. There are growing numbers...
While the multifactoriality of Olympic performance is well documented, there is little work that specifically addresses the factors of Paralympic performance. In this paper, we will present i) the performance strategies implemented by Paralympic athletes; and ii) the variety and complexity of these experiences, which are at the interface of high-level sport practice, but also of impairment and...
Athlete maltreatment has become “one of the greatest concerns faced by governing bodies, authorities and practitioners in sport” (Stirling, 2009, p. 1901). Yet, despite this concern, maltreatment scandals continue to occur globally, with many countries remaining committed to elite sport systems for ideological and political purposes. To date, the most dominant causes of athlete maltreatment...
Video Assistant Referee (VAR) has been implemented in numerous football leagues in Europe. The Norwegian Football Federation aims to implement VAR in both the men’s and women’s elite divisions, however, it has only been confirmed for the men’s division. This is also the case for many other countries. The gendered differences in the implementation of VAR may negatively impact the...
To date, it has been assumed that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has the control and influence to achieve a safe and ethically sound environment for all its athletes. However, little qualitative research has been done to confirm this to be the case. The prevalence of athlete maltreatment in Canada was recently brought to light in a study conducted by AthletesCAN which determined...
A significant body of knowledge has tried to explain a lack of significant change in gender ratios in sport leadership/ governance positions. Current research may have insufficient explanatory power to fully identify how sport leadership and governance remain a male domain. Yet, a review of the contributions and influence of social theory to understanding gender inclusion/exclusion in sport...
This presentation will focus on the most recent bidirectional influence links between sport, physical education (PE), physical activity (PA), and climate change (CC). The manuscript will consist of three complementary elements. The first part tries to establish links in between sport, PA and PE on the one side and the natural environment on the other side. We will provide a comprehensive...
The media sport cultural complex remains undocumented in Canada in the digital era. Drawing on research carried in other countries (Australia, UK, USA), our project focusses on the media sport content economy (Hutchins and Rowe 2012) and on the cultural dimension of the media sport complex (Rowe 2004) in Canada. In this presentation, we propose to map out the sport media field in Canada and to...
Jos Montferrand, legendary lumberjack whose death in 1864 was followed by an amplified biography 20 years later, offers an opportunity to analyze and understand how various communities may share common legends, in this case, strong men, and continue to evoke them to present themselves to the world and to understand their own distinctiveness. Almost 100 years after his death, Jos Montferrand...
Research has paid extensive attention to how contemporary societal demands shape ideas about appropriate practices in PE and its positive consequences for society´s citizens. It has also showed how PE teachers reproduce traditional practices. Largely overlooked, however, is the role and impact of school leaders, even though they are ultimately responsible for decision-making, division of...
This presentation explores how two refugee families adjusted to life through leisure in the City of Montréal, Québec, Canada. Between 2019 and 2022, we conducted an ethnography alongside two newcomer families from Chad, Africa. Our analysis yielded three prominent themes that we explore throughout this presentation: First, we explore how numerous social and cultural factors impeded newcomers’...
Recurrent abuse scandals and cases in sport have led (inter)national governments and sports organisations to develop Safe Sport policies and guidelines. However, the rate of spreading and settling of the safeguarding movement differs considerably because every national/regional context is unique and different. Drawing from a case study of South Korea’s elite sport pathway where tightened...
During the past decade or so, much hope has been placed in various instruments’ (e.g., reporting mechanisms) ability to prevent, detect, and discipline unethical conduct. Ethics instruments may fundamentally transform how behaviour is governed in sport due to their capacity to structure action according to their logic of appropriateness, for example by casting new institutional roles.
Sports, and in turn, sporting events, shape us mentally, physically, and socially, as much as they bond us collectively. Thus, each society has its own definition of what constitutes an outstanding moment in sports history. In this context, our conference analyzes, with the concept of frames (Goffman, 1974), what it takes to "make history" in sport and how this concept has evolved: are we...
This paper presents final conclusions on perception of club football rivalries in Central-Eastern European countries of Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary.
The subject of presented research results concerns the issue of importance of particular rivals for football fans in this region. Who do they consider crucial rivals? Which rivals are perceived as current and which as...
In a twenty-first century shaped in large part by impending global ecological catastrophe and the environmental harms caused by human overdevelopment, there is a continuing need to better understand the ways in which sport, recreation, and leisure practices buttress and complicate the creation of sustainable communities and spaces for healthy living. For instance, to what extent can sporting...
This ethnography explores the pedagogical forces of sport and physical culture that shape the Korean diaspora's everyday politics. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork of the racialization of Korean immigrants and Korean Americans in the Midwestern youth ice hockey community, I hold that sport not only reflects society but also shapes and influences the Korean diaspora’s everyday lives. This...
In this presentation, I will report about a gender audit I conducted of Biathlon Canada, the national governing body of biathlon. Biathlon Canada contracted the gender audit because of its commitment to improving gender equity in all aspects of its organization and operation. Research was conducted about how gender is taken into consideration (or not) in all aspects of the organization, and to...
What happens to our sporting goods when we are done with them? Even though Sustainable Development Goal 12 focuses on responsible consumption and production, very few in the sports industry (and academy) have asked this question. With environmental degradation now a daily concern around the world, we can no longer produce and consume sporting goods without con- sidering the end-of-use stage...
It has been over 20 years since Brian Pronger published the highly provocative and insightful article ‘Outta my Endzone’, arguing that competitive sport encapsulated a brutal libidinal economy, in which athletes derive pleasure from “adding to oneself by subtracting from another.” That this is also the “pleasure of rape” was not lost on Pronger. Indeed, he argued that rape and athletic victory...
A disappointing result was presented in the Census 2021 around the number of Welsh speakers, where the lowest ever overall percentage of people aged three or over able to speak Welsh was recorded. This research aimed to understand how we might be able to promote the use of the heritage, yet minority language within community sport settings. This presentation explores the key influences and...
In postcolonial states, the history and development of contemporary sports are intertwined with colonialism, imperialism, and, more recently, globalization. During the colonial period, colonizers used colonial sports in their ‘civilizing mission,’ which is now relevant to the current context of increased migration from the global south to the north, where the global north is using sport to...
Against the background of an increasingly digital society, we see the recent circumstances of change in the Canadian Sport landscape being driven by decision makers forced to act in the face of media attention on allegations made public, including athletes’ open letters detailing toxic cultures underlying maltreatment. Importantly, and similarly to athletes, those who to choose to amplify...
Over the past half-century, critical sport sociologists have demanded better of existing sport governing bodies, yet by and large, these demands have resulted in reforms within the existing structures rather than significant organizational or policy-based change. At NASSS Montreal in 2022, we introduced the possibility of a new supranational organization committed to anti-corruption, athlete...
The climbing community is vibrant and diverse, yet the historic archives do not reflect this. Previously, sociologists have scrutinised historians over a lack of criticality and theoretical framing in their research, and historians have shown disdain for the restrictive nature of social theory. This paper argues that the practice of building an on-the-record, publicly accessible oral history...
In this paper I present data on surfers’ environmental attitudes and actions. The paper is based on a questionnaire (n = 251) and six qualitative interviews. The results show that most surfers see themselves as “green”. On the other hand, the data also show that surfers through their consumption and travel behavior have negative impact on the environment. In this presentation I start out by...
Civil war in Sri Lanka precipitated the mass emigration of Tamils from Sri Lanka, many of whom settled in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). This community has established significant social support networks and cultural infrastructure since, including a growing number of Tamil grassroots sports organizations. My doctoral research examines the lived experiences of sport leaders within this GTA...
Researchers and advocates have long been aware of the under-representation of women in coaching, particularly in highly competitive levels of sport. Although attention has been paid to a range of issues influencing women’s lack of advancement into high-level sport coaching, little critical attention has been paid to the nature of sport coaching as work, and even less attention has been paid to...
Many action sports are undergoing the process of what can be called sportisation with their Olympic inclusion. However, previous literature focuses mainly on external features of sportisation (e.g., forming NGBs, and introducing related schemes), with little attention afforded to how sportisation internally transforms action sports’ own communities and their cultures. Drawing upon a case study...
To date, sport for reconciliation (SFR) research has mostly focused on post-conflict settings or settings in which conflict is ongoing: Northern Ireland (Mitchell, Sommerville, Hargie, 2016), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gasser & Levinsen, 2004), Israel/Palestine (Spacey & Sugden, 2015;), and Kosovo (Krasniqi & Krasniqi, 2019), to name a few. Amongst these studies, the concept of reconciliation has...
En France, la question du rapport entre production scientifique et société locale passe régulièrement par l’intermédiaire des collectivités territoriales. Ces dernières regroupent des communes, départements et régions dont les compétences touchent, d’une manière ou d’une autre, à l’organisation et au développement des activités sportives (Honta, 2003). Garantes du service public de proximité,...
Climate change is an issue yielding much attention in the international football context, with initiatives from federations, and various efforts from environmental organizations We Play Green (WPG) is an international environmental organization aimed at mobilizing support for a green shift through football. Through collaborations with grassroots football clubs, international governing bodies...
The rise of Wrexham AFC, a used-to-be anonymous football club in Wales, has become one of the most intriguing stories in the world of sport in the past two years. This essay aims to examine the global-local dynamics through the lens of the improbable rise of the fifth-tiered club in the English football system since the takeover by actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenny in 2020. In doing so,...
Trans athletes are becoming an increasingly marginalized demographic within competitive and recreational sport. Despite growing research on policy and physiology of trans athletes, there is little attention given to the experiences of these athletes regarding harm, discrimination, and violence. The present study aimed to uncover the experiences of gender-based violence that exist for trans*...
Movies engage and facilitate social awareness and the meaning of sport with people we cross paths with. Sport-orientated movies that transgress the boundaries of race, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and culture inject a different narrative and representation. Global migration of diasporic South Asian communities into Western, colonial spaces has led sports to facilitate...
In a number of Western countries, the protection and safeguarding of children and youth in sport has come to the focus of both scientific research and policy measures in the past decades. Contrary to this, in post socialist countries, including Hungary, the topic has only come to the agenda in the past few years, partly because of a number of scandals related to past incidents of violence in...
This paper will highlight findings from a larger project examining the ways in which social, political and economic pressures within and on the Canadian higher education sector are impacting undergraduate Kinesiology programs. Like many other academic programs and disciplinary areas in universities in this contemporary neoliberal moment, Kinesiology programs are being tasked with preparing...
In this presentation, the distribution of state funds to Indigenous communities in Canada and NZ is discussed within the context of being a ‘good governor’.
In 2017, the Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC), an Indigenous-led organization and authority for sport, was provided with $800,000 from the Government of Canada who claimed it would make a “real difference in the lives of Indigenous people by...
En tant que pratique sportive et culturelle, le thème du skateboard a donné lieu à des études qui s’inscrivent en grande partie dans les approches culturalistes. Celles-ci ont mis l’accent sur deux concepts : la résistance et l’authenticité, et ont conduit à produire une vision homogène de la culture skateboard en dressant notamment le portrait des pratiquant·es « core ». Or le niveau...
Sport and physical activity are increasingly recognized as potential tools for social change and are now being used to serve various social development purposes. Reflecting the modern context and the types of social problems that define it, new perspectives are flourishing, including sport for psychosocial development (Moreau et al., 2014), sport for peace and development (Gadais et al.,...
Highly skilled female athletes often find their achievements devalued and their performances judged as inferior to men. Thus, the cultural changes that truly move us towards the social inclusion of women in boxing are still to be achieved. This paper explores how gendered power dynamics impact on experiences of female boxers who are active and present in traditionally masculine boxing gym...
Cette communication met en lumière la dynamique de recherche collaborative entre les universitaires et des clubs et associations de sport au féminin et la manière dont cette démarche permet de composer avec une communauté plus large des mondes du sport au féminin.
Cette démarche indisciplinaire ou d’intelligence collective s’incarne dans le projet intitulé "European Women in Sport - For an...
With the impetus for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) across societal landscapes, and increasing attention drawn specifically to ‘safe sport,’ sport organizations across Canada are under increasing pressure to create EDI polices. What values are centered in creating such policies? Furthermore, we ask, do the policies inadvertently reinscribe inequity, harms, and injustice? Do they...
Since basketball tends to be publicly perceived as a male sport in South Korea, the recent decade’s rapid increase in basketball participants among female college students has drawn academic attention. The typical format of club league participation can be characterized as their voluntary engagement in organized amateur competitive sport. As an initial scholarly work, this paper aims to...
Competitive dance has risen in popularity recently, partially due to media content such as So You Think You Can Dance and Dance Moms. Unfortunately, as interest has increased, cases of harm in dance are being brought to the forefront. While there has been some research conducted on understanding harm in dance, literature is specific to ballet or professional dancers. Therefore, the purpose of...
In 2019, Nissin Foods released commercials featuring Japanese professional tennis player Naomi Osaka alongside anime characters from the manga ‘Prince of Tennis’. Some viewers criticized the advertisement based on their perception that Osaka was represented as having lighter (‘whiter’) skin than her actual skin tone. As a result, Nissin voluntarily cancelled the ad from the airwaves. Ho and...
Research on professional ballet schools has explored the training environment; however, there is a lack of research on holistic experiences of living, training, attending academics, and socializing at these live-in, competitive schools. Despite high attrition and deselection rates (Hamilton et al., 1997) and reports of child maltreatment at international schools (e.g., Greb, 2020), a paucity...
Sport events have both positive and negative legacies for the host community (in particular) and the world (in general), one of which relates to the environment. Environmental legacies are concerned with accomplishing sustainability goals such as minimizing negative impacts on the natural resource base, reducing and managing waste, and lowering pollution. This paper proposes retrospective...
The sphere of lifestyle sports has shown a remarkable growth in participation, institution, and industry in South Korea since the 1990s. While snowboarding has been one of the long-established lifestyle sports in the country, little research has been conducted to understand ways in which the field of snowboarding has been formed and developed within the broader social, cultural, political, and...
Digital platforms, especially the expansion of over-the-top (OTT) platforms and online video streaming services, are changing the sport media around the world in recent years. Global online media and streaming platforms, such as Eleven Sports, Line TV, Twitch, have reshaped Taiwanese sport media. Based on in-depth interviews with managers in local sport and media industries, this paper is...
This paper examines group sexual assaults, which involve multiple perpetrators in a single sexually violent act, in the context of junior men’s hockey in Canada. Research outside of the context of sport suggests that group sexual assaults are relatively rare. However, the prevalence of group sexual assaults reported against male junior hockey players in Canada is significantly disproportionate...
The paper highlights how activities (outdoor activities and sports) offered to children and young people below 18 years old at Sàmi/indigenous festivals in Norway might function in decolonization against Norwegianization, and how the festivals have influence on the local community. There is lack of knowledge about indigenous festivals in the Nordic countries. The aim is to fill this gap with...
Il existe peu d'études caractérisant la socialisation la place de la carrière sportive dans les projets de vie des joueuses internationales de rugby à XV et 7. Actuellement, les joueuses internationales françaises sont sous contrats à durée déterminée avec la Fédération Française de Rugby, à 100% de leur temps de travail pour les joueuses à XV et à 75% pour les joueuses à 7. L’objectif...
In this presentation I report findings from an exploratory qualitative study based on interviews conducted with 7 high-level outdoor athletes. The study is concerned with athlete perceptions of the influence of their involvement in outdoor sport on the development of their ecological consciousness, ecological literacy, sustainable behaviours, and climate activism. While previous research has...
Tackle football is often seen as a masculine space where boys and men can exhibit their physical superiority over one another. The variety of roles in football places value on a diverse range of body sizes, including larger bodies (Liechty, Sveinson, Willfong & Evans, 2015). But gendered myths position women and girls as inherently smaller and frailer than men and boys (Dowling, 2000;...
In the past decade, a massive influx of international coaches in China has been observed. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the factors influencing international football coaches' migration to China. The result provided a comprehensive understanding of how different dimensional factors sculpted coaches' migration by investigating influential factors at institutional, structural,...
Community sport clubs (CSCs) can provide newcomers to a country an opportunity to engage in sport. Building social contacts, developing relationships and emotional bonds, and learning social and cultural norms of the local community through sport can help promote integration (Nagel et al., 2015; Waardenburg et al., 2019). The purpose of our study was to learn about the willingness and capacity...
In recent years we have seen an increasing number of non-Western researchers in sport-related social research who conduct qualitative interview in their own cultural contexts with following a set of rigorous ethical codes that set up by Western academia. These ethical codes have largely impacted upon the design and practice of those cross-cultural interviews and indeed protect the rights of...
Based on the concepts of “trust”, this study seeks to explore the match-fixing phenomena within professional sports systems in the “Chinese Community” which are regarding the development of match-fixing and its theoretical implications and practical perspectives. A case study was to be presented by an examination of the match-fixing of professional baseball in Taiwan. A major attempt of this...
Community-based experiential learning can provide students with the opportunity to engage with local communities during their program of study. Kolb’s experiential learning paradigm resonates with post-secondary students and community partners as experiential learning is not just recognized for the knowledge acquired through doing, but also its role in building participants’ confidence to...
Despite substantial research and advocacy, including the advancement of Safe Sport policy, specific cases of harassment, abuse, neglect, and maltreatment, as well as the broader (re)production of maladaptive sport culture, are still present in the Canadian youth sport system. Coaches are a critical stakeholder in youth sport and nexus between youth athletes and parents, playing a central role...
According to World Health Organization (2020), South Korea has the fastest growing aged population in the world. It is expected to become a ‘Super-Aged Society’ in three years where more than 20% of their total population is aged 65 years and older. With the rapid increase in the population aged 65 and older, various social problems are emerging, such as an increase in the suicide rate of the...
Strength and conditioning coaches typically reflect on program design, training methods, and other biophysical aspects of performance, not psychosocial aspects (Gearity et al., 2021). In response to a wider call to advance psychosocial scholarship and theorizing in strength and conditioning coaching (see Potrac et al., 2017; Szedlak et al., 2021), this poster addresses the lead author’s...
Nike as a transnational sport corporation has powerful capability to shape local sports culture deeply. For instance, Nike corporation constructed the sporting discourses and promotional strategy of Taiwan’s feminized sports culture in recent twenty years. As a result, Nike’s promotional strategy turned more and more girls and women into sports consumers and lovers. Therefore, the aim of this...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been massively conducted in sports research. However, the gap between professional team sports (PTS)-related CSR and community development needs to be filled by shifting attention to the capacity building of employees’ collaboration. While the social self-identity foundations of CSR are recognized, it is essential to understand the ideological...
Taekwondo received more media attention when the Kukkiwon Teakwondo Demonstration Team and World Taekwondo Demonstration Team performed well at American TV talent shows, and in turn, more foreign Taekwondo trainees became interested in studying Taekwondo at the University level. However, there are few empirical studies on factors affecting their decision to study Taekwondo in Korea. Drawing...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been massively conducted in sports research. Although some studies show employee well-being as a theoretical framework in CSR, research on employees' creative self-efficacy behavior is limited. Professional team sports (PTS) have been involved in CSR initiatives for a long time, not only for profit and social reputation but also for strengthening...
This study focuses on the development of baseball in Taiwan from 1950 to 1989 and discusses how Taiwanese baseball was gradually disconnected from local communities during the period from the perspective of historical sociology.
Under Japanese rule, baseball had been a popular sport in Taiwan. Although Japanese—the main ballplayers—were repatriated after World War II, Taiwanese people...
The outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic has made a significant impact on the implementation of sports policies and action plans around the world. Academia pointed out that the crisis has exacerbated gender inequality in the proportion of physical activity. Since the pandemic has provided an unfortunate setback and a challenge to the campaign of England's "This Girl Can" and Taiwan’s “White Paper...
This study analyzed the narrative and representations of the entertainment program ‘Sport Sisters’. ‘Sport Sisters’ is an entertainment program that aired on Channel E from August 4, 2020. Season 2 aired from September 7, 2021, to July 5, 2022. It is an entertainment program mainly starring female athletes, reproducing various narratives of female athletes in Korean society. In addition to Pak...
Due to COVID-19, effective healthcare measures for the elderly are needed. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the structure of value-based culture discourse on exercise participation of the elderly using healthcare applications. An application exercise system was used for improving the physical function of 30 elderly people, and data were collected through in-depth interviews after exercise....
The purpose of this study was to examine health, well-being, and physical education through a decolonial lens that focused on Indigenous worldviews, knowledges, and experiences. Utilizing a qualitative case study methodology, the goals of this project were to recognize how health and wellbeing (HWB) were understood by a small culturally diverse group of Indigenous Peoples located in the...
La responsabilité sociale est un concept qui considère qu'un individu ou une organisation a, au-delà de ses objectifs propres, l'obligation d'agir au bénéfice de la société au sens large. À ce titre, le sport, favorise les discours relatifs à l’intérêt général (Bernardeau Moreau, 2009) par l’irruption de question sociétales contemporaines (diversité, développement durable, inclusivité…). Elles...
The situation in Latin America concerning the area of SDP has been evolving over the last couple of years. The focus on this continent brought also more and broader topics into the SDP research. Similarly, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda has been one the most visible frameworks in the field of SDP. The Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme helped us to collect data about...
On September 29th, 2022, Miami Dolphins’ quarterback, Tua Tagovailoa, received two concussions in five days and was taken off the field on a stretcher. The media framing around Tagovailoa’s concussions focused on the flaws of the NFL concussion policy and the poor decision-making of the neurotrauma consultant, demonstrating a noticeable shift in how the media has previously framed concussions...
Breakdance has gained increasing popularity throughout the Western world in recent decades. As subcultural movements involving physical culture and bodily practices among youth reach a certain threshold of prevalence, it is no surprise that the IOC strive for the inclusion of such activities at the Olympic agenda. Breakdance makes its Olympic debut at the Paris Games in 2024. We take this as a...
This paper explores the interviews conducted within the “Memories of Soccer” project, developed by the Museum of Image and Sound (São Paulo, Brazil). In these, the figure of Brazilian Professor José Sebastião Witter stands out as a master of what can be classified today as ‘deviation of good practices.’ During the recordings, he promoted interruptions and comments, debating the interviewees...
Sex-integrated sport is but one strategy proposed to address gender-based oppression and oppose the binary construction of sex. Yet little progress has been made in existing sport practices to move towards integration. Utilizing essentialism and social constructionism as the theoretical framework, the current study utilizes a cross-sectional survey of U.S. college student-athletes (N=295) to...
This presentation offers a critical perspective on theories and practices of coproduction in community sport research partnerships. Coproduction commonly refers to the involvement of end-users in design and delivery decisions with the promise of improved quality of services but there is no single agreed definition or theoretical perspective. I discuss the problem and limits of a one-way...
The importance of football in the construction and reproduction of national identity has been analyzed by many scholars. This research aims to understand and explain the effect of football on the construction and reproduction of national identities beyond the borders of the national state. In this context, the Turkish Community Football Federation (TCFF), which was established in London in...
Sport for development and peace (SDP) organizations work with marginalized and vulnerable individuals to achieve a range of development goals, including gender equality. Whilst a growing body of research has explored the gendering of SDP programmes and initiatives, there is a significant lack of research and applied work examining gender inclusion within SDP organizations...
Sex categorization in sport is usually perceived as something natural and is hence hardly questioned. This draws on the notion that there are two – and only two – sexes and that these are mutually exclusive, especially in terms of physical strength. Accordingly non-binary, intersex and trans women have been facing discrimination regarding the participation in their gender category. Whereas it...
Through application of an Indigenous - Māori informed theoretical framing, articulated as Mana Wāhine values, this presentation draws on fieldwork findings to considers firstly, the role of weightlifting in developing personal, relational, and collective empowerment for Aotearoa New Zealand Indigenous (Māori) women, and then secondly how this empowerment aligns with the strengthening of Mana...
Le vieillissement des populations nous invite à repenser les modèles de participation sociale des personnes âgées. Si la retraite professionnelle marque un tournant du parcours de vie, peu d’études ont documenté les parcours d’engagement bénévole et citoyen des personnes âgées dans le domaine du loisir et de l’activité physique. Comment certains participants acquièrent l’expertise nécessaire...
Various forms of recreational sports entail self-inflicted pain and suffering that can be experienced by practitioners as emotionally and spiritually uplifting. Building on the ethnographic example of a small but growing community of recreational ultrarunners in Estonia, this paper scrutinises the moral language that runners use to make sense of the pain and suffering that running extended...
Men were a part of the artistic swimming event when the sport was initially introduced to the public, but were subsequently barred from competing at the highest level until the 2015 FINA World Championships. This is recognized as a turning point in artistic swimming, empowering males’ side in the female-dominated sport through embracing mixed duets in the event. Nevertheless, there has been...
The parkrun organization provides free, community-based runs across the UK, and in 2019 started their first run on the grounds of a mental health hospital for service-users, staff, and the general public. However, the experiences of those partaking in these runs, and the ways that they are experienced as emplaced, relational, and therapeutic have yet to be explored. This study therefore sought...
Our paper will discuss the posture of the researcher working in the field of Sport for Development (SFD) with local communities. This work is part of a larger scientific study, which aims to analyze the socio-educational effects of a SFD program implemented by the French NGO PLAY International in Burundi, Kosovo and Senegal. We will base our paper on a series of 140 biographical interviews...
In this presentation, we explore why a select group of women who achieved belonging to or at least positions in an Olympic national team choose karate as their sport, and how they dealt with the experience of pain and suffering from training sessions and competitions. We researched the Spanish women’s Olympic karate team in their preparation for the Tokyo 2020 (2021) Olympic Games. We...
Le Boys and Girls Club d’Ottawa (BGCO) et les Jeux de l’Acadie (JA) sont deux organismes communautaires qui œuvrent auprès de jeunes en situation minoritaire. Le BGCO cible les jeunes provenant de milieux défavorisés de la ville d’Ottawa en fournissant différents programmes sportifs, alors que les JA sont une compétition sportive et artistique pour les jeunes francophones de l’Acadie. Autant...
Sport’s role in city branding historically focused on large-scale event hosting such as the Olympic Games and the World Cup. While such mega sporting events are increasingly linked to legacy effects on host cities, there is a lack of recognition for recreational and daily physical activity which impacts a sense of belonging, social integration, and community cohesion in hosts. Residents and...
While sports athletes have empirical links to multi/trans/nationalities, the different links to the nation and national identity are not outdated within the cultural sports media landscape (Rowe, 2013). Because hockey has long dominated the bulk of media narratives about sport, its heroes, and Canadian nationalism, soccer, "the global game" as opposed to the “our game”, offers a new...
Ice hockey is well known for its fast paced and physical style of play that is reportedly putting participants at greater risk of injury compared to other sports. Cusimano et al. (2016) support this stating: “injuries are common in all contact sports, but those who play ice hockey are at particular injury risk” (p. 1). Head injury in particular is receiving greater attention, in part because...
Although sport and nationalism have been closely related in numerous research studies, the relationship between sport and nationalism in the Chinese context still lacks attention, especially as regards gender.
Chinese women’s volleyball has been responsible for eye-catching nationwide achievements, especially in the 1980s and the 2010s, which are recognised as a ‘legend’ in Chinese sports...
Introduction: Le texte porte sur la sportivisation de la Lutte Marajoara - LM, lutte traditionnelle du nord du Brésil, et la valeur sociologique de ses règles dans le développement régional de la modalité. Objectif: Comprendre l’engagement des communautés marajoara dans la revendication de la pratique de la lutte, selon leurs habitus. Méthode: observation participante en deux événements...
My research is concerned with the understandings of talent in youth football clubs in Sweden and Germany and part of my doctoral studies at Malmö University, Sweden.
The first part of my research is concerned with the socio-cultural understandings of talent reinforced in German and Swedish news outlets. The second part of my research investigates the sensemaking processes of local elite...
This paper considers how sport sociologists can engage publics by including sonic walks in their research alongside scholarly publications. It thus addresses the ISSA’s call for papers that make the study of sport meaningful to groups outside academia. Specifically, it identifies the value of designing a sonic walk of the parade route designed to celebrate the Toronto Raptors’ 2019 National...
Spectators of the match between Querétaro F.C. and Atlas F.C. on March 5, 2022 were horrified to see fan violence break out among the stands. Though television cameras refused to focus on the fighting, the images circulating on social media were very disturbing. Twenty-six people, all of them Atlas fans, were later hospitalized, some with severe injuries.
While brawls and fist fights are not...
Le rôle des méga-évènements internationaux comme la Coupe du Monde aurait participé aux économies politiques et culturelles qui ont encore des effets biens tangibles dans les façonsde raconter les évènements sportifs dans les médias locaux et internationaux. Dans cette étude, nous profitons du contexte récent de développement du soccer spectacle au Canada afin de nous consacrer à l’analyse de...
Chinese President Xi Jinping said that “Sports are an important symbol of social development and human progress, and an important reflection of comprehensive national strength and social civilization,”. While this view of sports is prevalent in China, perceptions of sportsmanship have changed over time. We lack a clear understanding of this evolution, yet knowledge of this historical...
Although not explicitly aligned with Sport for Development and Peace, yoga programs in prisons and community justice settings—both of which we understand to be “carceral” environments—share similar goals around achieving human development through engagement with physical activity. In this paper, we explore multiple meanings given to yoga by instructors who have taught in these carceral...
The recent rise in women's sport in Mexico evinces a historic debt with women athletes, especially during the first half of the 20th century. Current research aims to make visible women’s sports history, as well as public or private institutions, or social-political process that encouraged, or discouraged women’s sport practices. Sports literature in Mexico is vast, especially that related to...
The lion dance, including the Guangdong lion dances and Minnan lion dances, is one of the traditional physical activities in Taiwan. Sport is directly related to the composition of national identity. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the content of the national consciousness constructed by the official discourse of the lion dance in Taiwan from 1949 to the present. This study adopted a...
Almost all talented Norwegian footballers follow a dual career trajectory during their teenage years and secondary school. This is because Norwegian football values sustainable talent development and realises that only pursuing the sporting talent is problematic. Academic talent, however, has not traditionally been part of how we understand the concept of a football talent. An abductive...
Les médias numériques et les réseaux sociaux bouleversent les médias sportifs à travers le monde, affectant aussi bien le spectacle médiatique des événements sportifs, industrie des médias sportifs, que les façons de vivre l’événement aussi bien dans les stades, arenas qu’en dehors de ceux-ci. Ils contribuent aussi à diversifier les contenus sportifs et à faciliter l’internationalisation de...
Sport sociologists who adopt a comprehensive and carnal perspective (Wacquant, 2015) attempt to account for the dynamics of lived sport experiences from a physical, emotional, and sensory vantage point. To this end, while observant participation has historically occupied a hegemonic position (Quidu, 2022), several other methodological tools exist. The objective of this conference is to present...
This study examines the experiences of indigenous sportswomen of the Mulan football team in Taiwan. Mulan football is a famous football team in Taiwan’s sports history for their remarkable record, three times Asian football champion between 1977 and 1981. However, the indigenous female footballers’ experiences are unclear, primarily since the Han ethnicity dominates the discourse of Mulan...
The development of theories specific to sport for development has increased over the last decade, with numerous general theories being put forth by scholars. Despite this, there is a lack of "bespoke" theories exploring connections to specific outcomes. Likewise, there have been calls for theories to engage with related fields such as sociology, anthropology, psychology and more. This lack of...
The historical and geographical vulnerability of Pakistan to violent extremism (VE), as well as the increasing number of Pakistani communities using Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) programmes, informed the need for this research. The government has often adopted a top-down approach to its VE prevention efforts. In cases where civil society organisations are consulted or engaged, the role...
Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore links between child maltreatment (CM) and experiences of interpersonal violence (IV) in sport among adolescents’ sport participants.
Methods: The sample consists of 983 adolescents aged 14 to 18 years old practicing organized sport. They completed a self-report survey in class in six Canadian schools assessing CM and IV in sport. Logistic...
In today's world, physical activities and sport is one of the areas of life that competes with other areas of life for the attention of young people. Physical activity relationship (PAR) reflects the central role that physical activities plays in an individual's life. If PAR is weak, you will not find the strong and many individual appealing aspects of sport. Conversely, a person with a strong...
This presentation is based on personal experiences gained over the past 3 decades in 'Community Engaged Research and Learning' (CERL) in the Sport for Development (SfD) domain in Flanders and the Brussels region (Belgium) and which has been largely inspired through close contacts with local practitioners and policy makers. It discusses the challenges and needs of sports-based developmental...
Due to globalized sports migration, the idea of a national seems to have become more and more flexible and fluid, pluralistic and multi-layered. This research presents how culturalism and nationalism come together to contribute to the inclusion and exclusion of those naturalized footballers who acquired Chinese nationality in the context of the qualifying stages for the 2022 FIFA Men’s World...
This presentation explores how new materialist theory, specifically Jane Bennett’s vital materialism, can contribute to the field of sport sociology. Within vital materialism, Bennett stresses the vitality of the nonhuman, encouraging scholars to recognize the “thing-power” of objects in worldly phenomena and emphasizing the inseparable connections between humans and the nonhuman. To explore...
Quinn qui joue au soccer pour le Canada est la première personne ouvertement transgenre non-binaire à remporter une médaille olympique quand iel a gagné l’or aux Jeux de Tokyo 2020 dans le tournoi féminin de soccer. Cet accomplissement sportif a attiré l’attention des médias du monde entier avec différents degrés de respect et d’inclusion. Cette communication orale va porter sur la couverture...
Sport for Development (SfD) is often situated within a Freirean approach. A Freirean approach advocates a critical, flexible and contextualized curriculum as part of transformative education processes through sport. Critical literacy and critical pedagogy, as described by Freire, consists of the ability 'to name the world and to change it'. This change is based on a theoretical premise of...
Rationale: There have been increasing calls to amplify marginalized voices across sport studies (Fink, 2016); yet the process of recruitment may be complex reflecting the inequitable systems of power that silence the voices intended to be studied. This is an important issue to understand as the recruitment process has a significant impact on the feasibility of a research study and influences...
Cette communication porte sur les usages de deux îles de loisirs à l’échelle de deux agglomérations (les villes nouvelles de Cergy-Pontoise et de Marne-la-Vallée). Lors de la période gaullienne, l’Etat français a impulsé l’aménagement d’équipements multifonctionnels : les bases de loisirs. En été, ces sites sportifs sont parmi les plus fréquentés d’Ile-de-France. Cependant, une offre...
To enhance healthy habits in the new generation of Saudi Arabians, in the past decades Saudi authorities have been planning different policies aimed to increase levels of participation in physical activity and sports by the country’s youth. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges and possibilities for young Saudis’ participation in these domains. The research employed...
Researchers, athletes, decision-makers, and the media have documented numerous instances of sport-related violence (SRV) in recent years. There is a growing understanding of the need to rethink the sporting system to tackle SRV more efficiently. This communication will present a two-phase study that rallied sport stakeholders to develop an integrated action plan to tackle SRV in the province...
The academic literature on Sport-for-Development and Peace is no longer a novelty. However, there are scarcely studied topics such as university-based initiatives, as well as those of mixed and/or unified sports. Tiro en Braille (Braille Shot) is a Mexican university-based sport, completely designed by undergraduate students with the guidance of professors. Tiro en Braille, as an organization...
Leading up to the 2022 Beijing Olympics, China commissioned 100 Norwegian winter sports coaches and supporting staff to develop and prepare 200 Chinese athletes for the upcoming Games. The winter sports collaboration between Norway and China began in 2017 and was terminated in 2022. The objective was to develop Chinese winter sport athletes who could attain medals in Beijing. To achieve this,...
Throughout the last few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increased rates of gender-based violence (GBV) that have disproportionately impacted the lives of women, girls, and gender diverse people in Canada (Canadian Women’s Foundation, 2022; Illingworth & Ferrara, 2020). A novel effort to support survivors and victims of GBV has been the use of trauma- and violence-informed physical...
This paper investigates new ethnographic research on racialized, gay men as they navigate weightlifting and bodybuilding in preparation for Pride events by identifying with a queer gym community as a common experience as they strive for their individual fitness goals within a safe space built into the larger gym experience. Black, East Asian, and mixed race males in their 30s to 50s were...
Northern Ireland is a deeply divided society and historically sport has played a key role in both reflecting and reinforcing those divisions. While the nature of the relationship between sport and ethno-religious differences has received considerable academic attention, there has been relatively little research on the implications of this for the growing migrant community in Northern Ireland....
From 2011 to 2014 Sport England invested £8 million in the Active Universities programme. The aim was to maintain sporting habits and encourage a healthy lifestyle among the student population. This programme supported 41 projects and the subsequent evaluation reports pointed to methods which could enhance a more inclusive university sports culture. While the three-year investment programme...
Background: “Tough it up”, “no pain no gain”, and “win-it-at-all-costs” are all phrases we have heard in sport, but what are the consequences of these messages? A substantial amount of literature, including Hughes and Coakley’s (1991) foundational research on the concept of conformity to the sport ethic norms, has suggested these expectations and normalizations are interlaced within the...
For the last 20 years, Putnam's conceptualization of social capital has become an important concept when promoting integration in sports policy. Parallel with the impact on sports policy, the concepts of bonding and bridging have been well explored in the literature on sports and integration. However, few researchers have looked at how migrants develop relations with formal associations,...
The Arctic Winter Games (AWG) are a high-level circumpolar sports competition, which includes wide participation sports (such as hockey), 'traditional' Arctic sports, Dene games as well as emerging/potential sports (such as archery) (reports on past games; Lankford et al. (2010; 2015)). In such a context, “where tradition and modernity meet to create unity in diversity” (Thomsen et al., 2018),...
This conference consists to think on the ethical and the epistemological issues of a research intervention: 1) using sport and outdoor as a psychosocial tool and 2) putting the body (Wacquant, 2015) in the heart of our methodological device. The first issue that we will discuss is related to recruitment which, in the framework of a research intervention must be carried out in collaboration...
Modern sports ethics are often adopted and referred to by the queer football communities in Europe. Given that the fair play principle emerged as a salient moral framework to discipline competitive masculine relations among elite or middle-class men as of the late 18th century and still serves a function in maintaining the normative order of sexualities in contemporary sports relations, it is...
This conference presents the experiences of those who self-identified as having recovered from a substance-use disorder and who integrated running into this process. Adopting a carnal sociology lens (Wacquant 2015), the researcher-participant relationship was embodied through 22 running semi-directed interviews (Esmonde, 2020) in the Vancouver area (Canada). During these mobile interviews, we...
Strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches have accreditation pathways in coach education that mainly develop their understanding of biophysical-technological competencies. Due to a lack of sociocultural awareness, Szedlak and colleagues (2022) identified a disregard of hegemonic norms in S&C, that led to discriminatory behaviours going unnoticed and tolerated. The purpose of this ongoing...
The goal of sports community governance is to "make the city a space for people to live with high quality of life". In previous studies, more research findings have discussed how sports communities are governed, but the reality of communities is that the question is who should govern sports communities. Therefore, the study elucidates the temporal and spatial scope of sports communities from...
Historically, sport has been a male-dominated realm that discouraged women from participating because they were thought to be too fragile (Gregg & Gregg, 2017). While progress has been made, women looking to enter the sporting domain remain faced with barriers and differential treatment based on anatomical differences and gender stereotypes. This study analyses the extent to which the...
In 1926, the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada (AAU of C) wrote that the “physical welfare of its children and adolescents is a matter of the utmost concern in the life and development of a nation.” The rules and norms of ice hockey, however, challenged such a position in the years to come. Indeed, a decade later, an Alberta representative to the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) put...
Queer, non-binary, and trans people face a number of barriers in accessing health services and opportunities, including engaging in fitness or exercise. While there is some important academic work on organized sport for both sexual and gender diverse minorities, there is a dearth of literature that addresses the experiences of queer and trans people who are not competitive athletes or...
Many sport organizations and coach education programs are concerned with a range of issues related to the sustainability of athlete development. These include, long-term athlete development, sustaining motivation for continued sports participation, preventing sports-related injuries, promoting life skills and positive youth development, and improving psychological health and wellbeing....
The Opeongo Heritage Cup is an annual Hockey Tournament in Barry’s Bay, a rural town in Eastern Ontario. Organizers have styled the event as a Multicultural Community Hockey Event, where teams of various ethnic identities (i.e., Algonquin, German, Kashubian, and Irish) compete. The event symbolically engages a variety of heritage and cultural elements through both the structured sport and...
While there are many forms of social inequalities, few can better illustrate the impact of social and material disadvantage than class differences in maternal and fetal/infant adverse health outcomes. In sociology, three broad and interacting explanations can explain health inequalities. The first refers to various forms of sociopolitical and economic barriers to health knowledge, practices...
Integration of migrants and refugees is currently among the most relevant political issues in Western societies. Voluntary sport clubs (VSCs) in the community have the potential to promote social integration (Nagel et al., 2015; Waardenburg et al., 2019), and may have access to integrative programmes and public funding to do so. Nonetheless, only a comparatively small number of VSCs implement...
This research explores the development of the most important sports in Huanchaco, Northern Peru, surfing on traditional “caballitos de totora” or little reed ‘horses’. For more than 3000 years, this living legacy can be considered an important origin of modern surfing that transcends many generations and different cultural periods, from the Moche and Chimú pre-Columbian cultures until today....
China has shown remarkable progress in international competitive sports since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. A strong performance in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games would add to these achievements, and China commissioned 100 Norwegian winter sport coaches and supporting staff to improve performance in cross country skiing, biathlon, and ski jump competitions in the run-up to the Games....
Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and individuals are still consistently disadvantaged, under-represented, and discriminated against in sport (e.g., Shibli et al., 2021). The action research that we analyse in this paper, called Change Makers Melbourne’s West (CMMW), brings together local coalitions of sports club leaders, facilitators, researchers, and community...
With an increasing population of non-heterosexuals within the UK, their acceptance and inclusion within the workplace has become an important concern. Previous research in this area is binary in its approach and focused predominantly on singular categories of sexuality and gender, e.g., lesbian women. In response, this study included sports coaches of all gender identities that identify within...
Athletes face unique personal and environmental risk factors (e.g., injuries) that influence the development of mental illness symptoms. However, there is currently a gap in the literature regarding the influence of sporting environments and risk factors on athletes’ symptoms of mental illness. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors that influence the mental health of...
The focus of this paper is on the identities of Chinese female athletes with physical impairments, with specific reference to menstruation and their athletic identity. There has been limited research and media coverage to date on the experiences and identities of Chinese athletes with physical impairments, especially female athletes, and the existing literature fails to highlight the...
The article explores how national and local identities influence Chinese football fandom. Previous research has failed to provide detailed information about how these two social identities influence the process of fans’ self-identification. This study uses fans of Henan Jianye Football Club and Shenzhen Football Club because they can typically represent native and internal immigrant fans in...
In this session we look to trouble the conference theme of being a ‘good neighbour’ in light of ongoing research in the area of sport for reconciliation. The idea of being neighbourly suggests an equal footing, and is associated with notions of harmony, reciprocity and respect, for example. However, in Canada, Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, where the presenters of this paper are located,...
De nombreuses publications montrent les bienfaits de l’activité physique pour la santé des populations. Ces études ont progressivement écarté la notion d’activité sportive au profit de celle d’activité physique. L’activité physique se mesure uniquement à partir de la dépense d’énergie provoquée par le mouvement avec l’aide d’outils de mesure quantitatifs tel que les accéléromètres. Au...
Square dancing is a popular public activity in China, with more than 100 million participants, most of whom are elderly women. In this presentation, we discuss the preliminary results of an ethnography on square dancing in Shenzhen, which has a large population of migrant workers and a significant wealth disparity. Using square dancing as a lens, we focus on migrant experiences of square...
In recent years, many novel technologies are introduced to sports competitions with the aim of assisting referees in enforcing rules and increasing the accuracy of decisions. However, there is limited knowledge of how the implementation of novel refereeing technologies impacts the elite sports refereeing role. The purpose of our study is to examine how referees experience that the...
In the absence of epidemiological evidence, the facts suggest that the involvement in high-level sport has many harmful effects on the health of athletes, in particular the construction of an identity based solely on performance, the deterioration of physical integrity and mental health, the "lost childhood syndrome" and the incitement to resort to sports doping. I will question the particular...
Les programmes Sport-études (PSÉ) ont été instaurés au Québec pour permettre à des étudiants du secondaire de concilier leurs projets scolaires et sportifs. Plus de 9 000 élèves-athlètes, répartis dans 37 disciplines sportives différentes, sont inscrits dans près de 700 programmes reconnus par le Ministère de l’Éducation. Seuls celles et ceux dont les qualités sportives ont été identifiées par...
Administrators often fulfill the role of gatekeeper, as some of their decisions can contribute to facilitating or limiting access to certain groups, such as children of low-income families. The challenges faced by such families could be even more important in the competitive context, given the associated costs. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions, attitudes, and roles of sport...
This essay focuses on the leisure weight training experience of Taiwanese men and their social media self-representations. The “spornosexual” as a new, dominant type of masculinity was coined by Mark Simpson in 2014. It’s a study on modern Taiwanese men’s leisure sport practice and their gender display. This qualitative research adopts semiotic analysis, critical discourse analysis and...
This study aims to understand how Brazilian Olympic athletes make sense of their subjectivities throughout their sports trajectory towards the Olympic Games. Among the different manifestations of the elite sporting phenomenon, the Olympic Games occupy the top place in the contemporary scenario, as they are considered the ultimate goal in the athletes' careers. Approximately 3,452 Brazilian...
The issue of an erosion of voluntary engagement in sports clubs in local communities in Germany has been discussed for a long time. The causes for this are often seen in long-term social modernisation processes, which are also accompanied by a "structural change in voluntary engagement". The lecture takes up the multi-layered discussion about the "crisis of volunteering" in the local sports...
Particulate matter (PM), a toxic airborne pollutant known for its microscopic size, has become a pressing concern in South Korea since the early 2010s. Due to health risks associated with PM, such as its ability to penetrate lung cells and cause inflammation, South Koreans gradually started to navigate their outdoor physical activity (PA) according to PM levels. For instance, people base their...
Women’s committees (WCs) have been adopted by many international sports federations (IFs) as part of their efforts to address pervasive gender inequalities (Matthews & Piggott, 2021). Yet, despite their proliferation, little has been documented about the challenges such commissions face, about the conditions under which they can create change, and how they can avoid - as they are frequently...
A partir d’une étude ethnographique (Beaud & Weber, 1998) capitalisant 9 mois d’observation dans un lycée français et des entretiens avec 14 élèves et 4, notre communication analyse comment l’enquêteur peut construire (1) sa « légende » sur son terrain de recherche en fonction des publics rencontrés dans la communauté scolaire et (2) les influences que peut avoir cette dernière...
Considering the rising numbers of people who engage in fitness practices, physical well-being and active lifestyle, the concept of fitness and exercise has been infused with digital tracking instruments. This study explores the experiences of long-term users of sports watches and Strava. The study draws on a series of 10 individual interviews and participant observations with fitness...
Art competitions were an integral part of the official Olympic programme from 1912 to 1948. Medals were awarded for works of art inspired by sport. Previous studies focused on the aesthetic thought and its evolution, but seldom paid attention to its connection with politics. Based on a case study of the official archives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and prize-winning artworks,...
Sport for all has increasingly been highlighted by the Taiwanese government; nonetheless, there are some difficulties with sport participation, such as lack of stadiums. Baseball, which is a national sport, plays crucial social roles, such as social coherence, yet there is little participation. Although baseball is so popular in Taiwan, playing baseball is not for all but for elite athletes....
Thinking about the links between sport and ideology is no simple task, as not only is the complexity of the sports phenomenon overwhelming on many levels, but also the theoretical discussions on ideology (of long tradition) are varied and intricate, as the concept itself is often used with different meanings. This paper aims to generate conceptual categories based on analyses and discussions...
The war in Ukraine has brought the demand for “energy sobriety” to the forefront of the media and into the daily lives of Europeans. In this specific context, the objective of “less” or “without” appears as a constraint imposed on citizens. Nevertheless, in other contexts, the search for sobriety can be a self-determined choice, desired and claimed. This is particularly true in the field of...
C´est étude est sur la relation entre le football et la migration et vise à comprendre la pratique du football en tant que phénomène socioculturel et constructeur d'inclusion chez les migrants haïtiens vivant dans la commune de Concepción Chili. Ce projet de recherche qualitative et approche descriptive-phénoménologique vise à investiguer à travers le football comment la communauté haïtienne...
Sport sociologists who adopt a comprehensive and carnal perspective (Wacquant, 2015) attempt to account for the dynamics of lived sport experiences from a physical, emotional, and sensory vantage point. To this end, while observant participation has historically occupied a hegemonic position (Quidu, 2022), several other methodological tools exist. The objective of this conference is to present...
In the last two decades the recent research has indicated the need to analyze students in order to create PE curricula that are accepted and considered important by the interested parties themselves. So far in Poland, the voice of students regarding the PE curriculum has been marginalized, therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the meanings that students give to PE and physical...
In this presentation I report findings from an exploratory qualitative study based on interviews conducted with 7 high-level outdoor athletes. The study is concerned with athlete perceptions of the influence of their involvement in outdoor sport on the development of their ecological consciousness, ecological literacy, sustainable behaviours, and climate activism. While previous research has...
Powerchair Hockey (PCH) is a sport for electric wheelchair users. The majority of players are living with degenerative diseases. Their life expectancy is usually around 30 years, and most players keep on playing until they die. Thus, death is inherent to PCH.
I conducted an ethnography of PCH in Switzerland. Participants co-contributed to defining the research questions. The legitimacy of...
Sport for all has increasingly been highlighted by the Taiwanese government; nonetheless, there are some difficulties with sport participation, such as lack of stadiums. Baseball, which is a national sport, plays crucial social roles, such as social coherence, yet there is little participation. Although baseball is so popular in Taiwan, playing baseball is not for all but for elite athletes....
Sex-integrated sport is but one strategy proposed to address gender-based oppression and oppose the binary construction of sex. Yet little progress has been made in existing sport practices to move towards integration. Utilizing essentialism and social constructionism as the theoretical framework, the current study utilizes a cross-sectional survey of U.S. college student-athletes (N=295) to...
Like many urban centres across Europe, Liverpool was hard hit by the socio-economic realities of government austerity and the Covid-19 pandemic. To help prevent the city’s foodbanks from emptying, Fans Supporting Foodbanks was set up in 2015 to raise funds and groceries in the battle against food insecurity. Established by normally opposed fan groups in Liverpool, the concept has grown, with...
The purpose of this study is to explore the media discourses from major Spanish news agencies regarding female soccer players during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. 32 male and 26 female soccer games were held from July 21st to August 8th in 2021. Data were collected from Agencia EFE, El País and Diario ABC using keywords such as Juegos Olímpicos (the Olympic Games), Tokio 2020 (Tokyo 2020) and...
This study aims to elucidate the relationship among the context, identity, and life experiences of Chinese student athletes of Tsinghua University, in which a number of Olympic gold medallists were developed in a way that is distinct from the talent development of the traditional Chinese elite sport system. Drawing on the Constructivist Grounded Theory, qualitative data, collected through 20...
Men were a part of the artistic swimming event when the sport was initially introduced to the public, but were subsequently barred from competing at the highest level until the 2015 FINA World Championships. This is recognized as a turning point in artistic swimming, empowering males’ side in the female-dominated sport through embracing mixed duets in the event. Nevertheless, there has been...
The parkrun organization provides free, community-based runs across the UK, and in 2019 started their first run on the grounds of a mental health hospital for service-users, staff, and the general public. However, the experiences of those partaking in these runs, and the ways that they are experienced as emplaced, relational, and therapeutic have yet to be explored. This study therefore sought...
Cette communication met en lumière la dynamique de recherche collaborative entre les universitaires et des clubs et associations de sport au féminin et la manière dont cette démarche permet de composer avec une communauté plus large des mondes du sport au féminin.
Cette démarche indisciplinaire ou d’intelligence collective s’incarne dans le projet intitulé ""European Women in Sport - For an...
The underrepresentation of women coaches worldwide is a significant issue facing sport. While research shows women coaches bring many benefits to the sport environment, significant barriers preclude women from coaching, including gender role assumptions, experiences of harassment, a male dominated environment, competing domestic responsibilities, low pay or an unclear career pathway, lack of...
The lion dance, including the Guangdong lion dances and Minnan lion dances, is one of the traditional physical activities in Taiwan. Sport is directly related to the composition of national identity. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the content of the national consciousness constructed by the official discourse of the lion dance in Taiwan from 1949 to the present. This study adopted a...
In May 2019, CityNews (a Canadian national news outlet) aired a segment about a call for donations of hockey-related beer cans. The segment featured two members from the Beer Can Collectors of America (BCCA) and a staff member from the Hockey Hall of Fame (HHOF). From this segment, phrases such as: “a piece of history” and “a connection to the hockey fan’s experience” describe the symbolic...
For the first time, the East Asian Youth Games, formerly the East Asian Games, were scheduled to be held in Taichung of Taiwan in 2019 following four years of preparation. However, Taichung's hosting rights were revoked by the East Asian Olympic Committee on July 24, 2018. Why was the 2019 EAYG - one of the few international sporting events in which Taiwan won the bid - cancelled? Did the...
Ice hockey is well known for its fast paced and physical style of play that is reportedly putting participants at greater risk of injury compared to other sports. Cusimano et al. (2016) support this stating: “injuries are common in all contact sports, but those who play ice hockey are at particular injury risk” (p. 1). Head injury in particular is receiving greater attention, in part because...
The sphere of lifestyle sports has shown a remarkable growth in participation, institution, and industry in South Korea since the 1990s. While snowboarding has been one of the long-established lifestyle sports in the country, little research has been conducted to understand ways in which the field of snowboarding has been formed and developed within the broader social, cultural, political, and...
Athletes can be seen as one of the main actors in sports. However, it has been evident that their voices are the least heard of when it comes to decision-making and policymaking of sports institutions. Some sports governing bodies are beginning to establish athletes’ commission for athletes to represent themselves. Though majority remain silent, athletes have become more vocal of their...
The Arctic Winter Games (AWG) are a high-level circumpolar sports competition, which includes wide participation sports (such as hockey), 'traditional' Arctic sports, Dene games as well as emerging/potential sports (such as archery) (reports on past games; Lankford et al. (2010; 2015)). In such a context, “where tradition and modernity meet to create unity in diversity” (Thomsen et al., 2018),...
Rationale: There have been increasing calls to amplify marginalized voices across sport studies (Fink, 2016); yet the process of recruitment may be complex reflecting the inequitable systems of power that silence the voices intended to be studied. This is an important issue to understand as the recruitment process has a significant impact on the feasibility of a research study and influences...
Queer, non-binary, and trans people face a number of barriers in accessing health services and opportunities, including engaging in fitness or exercise. While there is some important academic work on organized sport for both sexual and gender diverse minorities, there is a dearth of literature that addresses the experiences of queer and trans people who are not competitive athletes or...
The system of settler colonialization in Canada has made Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQ+, and disabled community members increasingly vulnerable to poverty, violence, and policing. The (post-)COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis context has created an urgent need to support community members who are experiencing the exacerbated effects of inequality that have preceded the pandemic. Although...
The climbing community is vibrant and diverse, yet the historic archives do not reflect this. Previously, sociologists have scrutinised historians over a lack of criticality and theoretical framing in their research, and historians have shown disdain for the restrictive nature of social theory. This paper argues that the practice of building an on-the-record, publicly accessible oral history...
"After the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, women were required to follow a strict Islamic dress code with mandatory hijab. In addition, increased sex-segregation of public life became a norm and national law. Since the Revolution, Iranians moving abroad also intensified and Canada is now the second most important immigration destination. The purpose of this study was to explore the views of...
In a number of Western countries, the protection and safeguarding of children and youth in sport has come to the focus of both scientific research and policy measures in the past decades. Contrary to this, in post socialist countries, including Hungary, the topic has only come to the agenda in the past few years, partly because of a number of scandals related to past incidents of violence in...
Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore links between child maltreatment (CM) and experiences of interpersonal violence (IV) in sport among adolescents’ sport participants.
Methods: The sample consists of 983 adolescents aged 14 to 18 years old practicing organized sport. They completed a self-report survey in class in six Canadian schools assessing CM and IV in sport. Logistic...
China has shown remarkable progress in international competitive sports since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. A strong performance in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games would add to these achievements, and China commissioned 100 Norwegian winter sport coaches and supporting staff to improve performance in cross country skiing, biathlon, and ski jump competitions in the run-up to the Games....
Within the contexts of New Zealand and Norway, where an increased number of private actors in sport are observed, we ask the research question: What should we call a young football player, based on their relationship with the organization that provide sport for them? We apply an institutional perspective on neoliberalism and a case study design with qualitative data from various actors’...
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, there has been growing discussion of a ‘bicycle boom’ taking place around the world (Coulibaly, 2020). However, though a ‘bicycle boom’ may have occurred, critical analyses of cycling remains imperative, particularly since cycling may “reinforce the already existing social, spatial and racial fault lines within cities” (Doucet & Mazumder,...
This presentation offers a critical perspective on theories and practices of coproduction in community sport research partnerships. Coproduction commonly refers to the involvement of end-users in design and delivery decisions with the promise of improved quality of services but there is no single agreed definition or theoretical perspective. I discuss the problem and limits of a one-way...
In this paper I present data on surfers’ environmental attitudes and actions. The paper is based on a questionnaire (n = 251) and six qualitative interviews.The results show that most surfers see themselves as “green”. On the other hand, the data also show that surfers through their consumption and travel behavior have negative impact on the environment. In this presentation I start out by...
In recent years we have seen an increasing number of non-Western researchers in sport-related social research who conduct qualitative interview in their own cultural contexts with following a set of rigorous ethical codes that set up by Western academia. These ethical codes have largely impacted upon the design and practice of those cross-cultural interviews and indeed protect the rights of...
This study aimed to develop an indigenous, valid and reliable Perceived Stigmatization in Sports Scale for Female University Athletes (PSSSFUA). The initial 20 items-based pool was developed on the basis of in-depth, detailed and semi-structured interviews of eight female university athletes, whereas a preliminary questionnaire was administered on 125 female university athletes with age range...
This study focuses on the linkages between sport, development, and diplomacy in the South Korean context. Current approaches to the use of sport to achieve (social) development goals can be traced to the longstanding tradition of “sport for good” stemming from the 19th century British public school system. Korea’s initial involvement in sport for good was influenced with the first introduction...
Ghana became the 119th country in the world to ratify United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Through this ratification, Ghana accepted to ensure that Ghanaians experiencing disability will be treated as equal citizens with equal rights to enable them to flourish. Specifically, Article 30.5 of the UNCRPD discusses rights of persons with disability and the...
Based on the concepts of “trust”, this study seeks to explore the match-fixing phenomena within professional sports systems in the “Chinese Community” which are regarding the development of match-fixing and its theoretical implications and practical perspectives. A case study was to be presented by an examination of the match-fixing of professional baseball in Taiwan. A major attempt of this...
"With the impetus for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) across societal landscapes, and increasing attention drawn specifically to ‘safe sport,’ sport organizations across Canada are under increasing pressure to create EDI polices. What values are centered in creating such policies? Furthermore, we ask, do the policies inadvertently reinscribe inequity, harms, and injustice? Do they...
Many sport organizations and coach education programs are concerned with a range of issues related to the sustainability of athlete development. These include, long-term athlete development, sustaining motivation for continued sports participation, preventing sports-related injuries, promoting life skills and positive youth development, and improving psychological health and wellbeing....
"Boxing has been the subject of an ongoing debate of its effects on the physical and mental health of participants as well as the legitimization and glamourization of physical violence which may result in the exploitation of men and women from vulnerable socioeconomic communities. To the contrary, advocates argue that boxing provides a healthy lifestyle alternative to the appeals of antisocial...
Community-based experiential learning can provide students with the opportunity to engage with local communities during their program of study. Kolb’s experiential learning paradigm resonates with post-secondary students and community partners as experiential learning is not just recognized for the knowledge acquired through doing, but also its role in building participants’ confidence to...
During the past decade or so, much hope has been placed in various instruments’ (e.g., reporting mechanisms) ability to prevent, detect, and discipline unethical conduct. Ethics instruments may fundamentally transform how behaviour is governed in sport due to their capacity to structure action according to their logic of appropriateness, for example by casting new institutional roles.
Since basketball tends to be publicly perceived as a male sport in South Korea, the recent decade’s rapid increase in basketball participants among female college students has drawn academic attention. The typical format of club league participation can be characterized as their voluntary engagement in organized amateur competitive sport. As an initial scholarly work, this paper aims to...
To date, it has been assumed that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has the control and influence to achieve a safe and ethically sound environment for all its athletes. However, little qualitative research has been done to confirm this to be the case. The prevalence of athlete maltreatment in Canada was recently brought to light in a study conducted by AthletesCAN which determined...
Indigenous baseball players play an important role in Taiwan baseball. In Taiwanese professional baseball, more than 40% of the players are indigenous. This study examines the relationship between the Taiwanese indigenous’s socio-economic status and baseball participation. The research methods are semi-structured interviews and participatory observations on 15 high school new graduate...
A disappointing result was presented in the Census 2021 around the number of Welsh speakers, where the lowest ever overall percentage of people aged three or over able to speak Welsh was recorded. This research aimed to understand how we might be able to promote the use of the heritage, yet minority language within community sport settings. This presentation explores the key influences and...
Researchers and advocates have long been aware of the under-representation of women in coaching, particularly in highly competitive levels of sport. Although attention has been paid to a range of issues influencing women’s lack of advancement into high-level sport coaching, little critical attention has been paid to the nature of sport coaching as work, and even less attention has been paid to...
With an increasing population of non-heterosexuals within the UK, their acceptance and inclusion within the workplace has become an important concern. Previous research in this area is binary in its approach and focused predominantly on singular categories of sexuality and gender, e.g., lesbian women. In response, this study included sports coaches of all gender identities that identify within...
According to World Health Organization (2020), South Korea has the fastest growing aged population in the world. It is expected to become a ‘Super-Aged Society’ in three years where more than 20% of their total population is aged 65 years and older. With the rapid increase in the population aged 65 and older, various social problems are emerging, such as an increase in the suicide rate of the...
The importance of football in the construction and reproduction of national identity has been analyzed by many scholars. This research aims to understand and explain the effect of football on the construction and reproduction of national identities beyond the borders of the national state. In this context, the Turkish Community Football Federation (TCFF), which was established in London in...
Almost all talented Norwegian footballers follow a dual career trajectory during their teenage years and secondary school. This is because Norwegian football values sustainable talent development and realises that only pursuing the sporting talent is problematic. Academic talent, however, has not traditionally been part of how we understand the concept of a football talent. An abductive...
Many action sports are undergoing the process of what can be called sportisation with their Olympic inclusion. However, previous literature focuses mainly on external features of sportisation (e.g., forming NGBs, and introducing related schemes), with little attention afforded to how sportisation internally transforms action sports’ own communities and their cultures. Drawing upon a case study...
Few studies have focused on people with hearing loss and intellectual disabilities engaging in gambling activities. Less is known about people with visual impairments and their sports betting activities in the non-Western context. This study employs a sociological approach to analyse sports betting among students with visual impairments to understand how social structures and institutions may...
Throughout the last few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increased rates of gender-based violence (GBV) that have disproportionately impacted the lives of women, girls, and gender diverse people in Canada (Canadian Women’s Foundation, 2022; Illingworth & Ferrara, 2020). A novel effort to support survivors and victims of GBV has been the use of trauma- and violence-informed physical...
Researchers' focus on the gender issues in esports has mostly been about online harassment, bullying, etc. However, there are few discussions about how the structure of the industry influences gender issue in it. In traditional sports, such as baseball, football, basketball, we can easily see the gender inequity phenomenon, so what about in esports? In this article, I want to explain the...
"Sport for development and peace (SDP) organizations work with marginalized and vulnerable individuals to achieve a range of development goals, including gender equality. Whilst a growing body of research has explored the gendering of SDP programmes and initiatives, there is a significant lack of research and applied work examining gender inclusion within SDP organizations...
Sex categorization in sport is usually perceived as something natural and is hence hardly questioned. This draws on the notion that there are two – and only two – sexes and that these are mutually exclusive, especially in terms of physical strength. Accordingly non-binary, intersex and trans women have been facing discrimination regarding the participation in their gender category. Whereas it...
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) officially recognized esports as a sport in 2017 during the 6th Olympic Summit. Furthermore, for the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, eSports was declared as an official medal sport. The IOC also confirmed that its inaugural Olympic Esports Week will take place in Singapore between in June 2023. A major player in e-sports consumption, China's...
Since its introduction by Roland Robertson’s seminal work in 1992, the concept of glocalisation has been widely adopted and discussed across a variety of disciplines including the sociology of sport. In their conceptual paper, Giulianotti and Robertson (2012) identified mega-events – along with sports, business and identity – as one of the four key fields of inquiry into glocalisation within...
Sports makeup has become a trend in media culture. Many researchers indicated that sportswomen who chosen to wear make-up on the field have been viewed as a way to perform societal gender expectation (Bruce, 2016; Daniels, 2012; Jones & Greer, 2011; Krane, 2001). Moreover, the function of hashtags in sports social media has been connected with social expectations as well as keyword trends. The...
High school baseball players first appeared in professional league in Taiwan as early as 1998. However, it was not an official and systemized entry for them until 2013 when the first draft for high school players came into play. Compared to most players who announced their eligibility in college, these 18-year-old players took a big gamble on their career decisions. There are growing numbers...
The war in Ukraine has brought the demand for “energy sobriety” to the forefront of the media and into the daily lives of Europeans. In this specific context, the objective of “less” or “without” appears as a constraint imposed on citizens. Nevertheless, in other contexts, the search for sobriety can be a self-determined choice, desired and claimed. This is particularly true in the field of...
In this session we look to trouble the conference theme of being a ‘good neighbour’ in light of ongoing research in the area of sport for reconciliation. The idea of being neighbourly suggests an equal footing, and is associated with notions of harmony, reciprocity and respect, for example. However, in Canada, Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, where the presenters of this paper are located,...
Women’s football (WF) is becoming increasingly professionalised across the globe. This process has appeared to be more successful in a few countries such as England and the US, but in the majority of the world it has not got the momentum yet. Ireland, the context of this study, is an example of a country that has been subject to local and international pressures to become more...
De nombreuses publications montrent les bienfaits de l’activité physique pour la santé des populations. Ces études ont progressivement écarté la notion d’activité sportive au profit de celle d’activité physique. L’activité physique se mesure uniquement à partir de la dépense d’énergie provoquée par le mouvement avec l’aide d’outils de mesure quantitatifs tel que les accéléromètres. Au...
"Our paper will discuss the posture of the researcher working in the field of Sport for Development (SFD) with local communities. This work is part of a larger scientific study, which aims to analyze the socio-educational effects of a SFD program implemented by the French NGO PLAY International in Burundi, Kosovo and Senegal. We will base our paper on a series of 140 biographical interviews...
This paper will highlight findings from a larger project examining the ways in which social, political and economic pressures within and on the Canadian higher education sector are impacting undergraduate Kinesiology programs. Like many other academic programs and disciplinary areas in universities in this contemporary neoliberal moment, Kinesiology programs are being tasked with preparing...
In this presentation, we explore why a select group of women who achieved belonging to or at least positions in an Olympic national team choose karate as their sport, and how they dealt with the experience of pain and suffering from training sessions and competitions. We researched the Spanish women’s Olympic karate team in their preparation for the Tokyo 2020 (2021) Olympic Games. We...
La responsabilité sociale est un concept qui considère qu'un individu ou une organisation a, au-delà de ses objectifs propres, l'obligation d'agir au bénéfice de la société au sens large. À ce titre, le sport, favorise les discours relatifs à l’intérêt général (Bernardeau Moreau, 2009) par l’irruption de question sociétales contemporaines (diversité, développement durable, inclusivité…). Elles...
C´est étude est sur la relation entre le football et la migration et vise à comprendre la pratique du football en tant que phénomène socioculturel et constructeur d'inclusion chez les migrants haïtiens vivant dans la commune de Concepción Chili. Ce projet de recherche qualitative et approche descriptive-phénoménologique vise à investiguer à travers le football comment la communauté haïtienne...
Le Boys and Girls Club d’Ottawa (BGCO) et les Jeux de l’Acadie (JA) sont deux organismes communautaires qui œuvrent auprès de jeunes en situation minoritaire. Le BGCO cible les jeunes provenant de milieux défavorisés de la ville d’Ottawa en fournissant différents programmes sportifs, alors que les JA sont une compétition sportive et artistique pour les jeunes francophones de l’Acadie. Autant...
Les médias numériques et les réseaux sociaux bouleversent les médias sportifs à travers le monde, affectant aussi bien le spectacle médiatique des événements sportifs, industrie des médias sportifs, que les façons de vivre l’événement aussi bien dans les stades, arenas qu’en dehors de ceux-ci. Ils contribuent aussi à diversifier les contenus sportifs et à faciliter l’internationalisation de...
Introduction: Le texte porte sur la sportivisation de la Lutte Marajoara - LM, lutte traditionnelle du nord du Brésil, et la valeur sociologique de ses règles dans le développement régional de la modalité. Objectif: Comprendre l’engagement des communautés marajoara dans la revendication de la pratique de la lutte, selon leurs habitus. Méthode: observation participante en deux événements...
Sport’s role in city branding historically focused on large-scale event hosting such as the Olympic Games and the World Cup. While such mega sporting events are increasingly linked to legacy effects on host cities, there is a lack of recognition for recreational and daily physical activity which impacts a sense of belonging, social integration, and community cohesion in hosts. Residents and...
Digital platforms, especially the expansion of over-the-top (OTT) platforms and online video streaming services, are changing the sport media around the world in recent years. Global online media and streaming platforms, such as Eleven Sports, Line TV, Twitch, have reshaped Taiwanese sport media. Based on in-depth interviews with managers in local sport and media industries, this paper is...
Les programmes Sport-études (PSÉ) ont été instaurés au Québec pour permettre à des étudiants du secondaire de concilier leurs projets scolaires et sportifs. Plus de 9 000 élèves-athlètes, répartis dans 37 disciplines sportives différentes, sont inscrits dans près de 700 programmes reconnus par le Ministère de l’Éducation. Seuls celles et ceux dont les qualités sportives ont été identifiées par...
To date, sport for reconciliation (SFR) research has mostly focused on post-conflict settings or settings in which conflict is ongoing: Northern Ireland (Mitchell, Sommerville, Hargie, 2016), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gasser & Levinsen, 2004), Israel/Palestine (Spacey & Sugden, 2015;), and Kosovo (Krasniqi & Krasniqi, 2019), to name a few. Amongst these studies, the concept of reconciliation has...
In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the global north around the practice of mixed abilities sport (MAS). At the heart of this movement’s philosophy is the removal of barriers (e.g., age, disability, gender, and socio-economic status) that hinder involvement in more traditional sporting cultures. However, we seem to have been here before. In this paper we explore how the...
This paper seeks to shine a sociological light on the recent and rapid rise of LIV – a new professional golf tour, financed by the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, that is causing considerable concern in the established golf profession – the PGA. The paper frames the PGA as a longstanding profession and ‘moral community’ (Durkheim, 1952), which saw its position, until recently, as...
Strength and conditioning coaches typically reflect on program design, training methods, and other biophysical aspects of performance, not psychosocial aspects (Gearity et al., 2021). In response to a wider call to advance psychosocial scholarship and theorizing in strength and conditioning coaching (see Potrac et al., 2017; Szedlak et al., 2021), this poster addresses the lead author’s...
Considering the rising numbers of people who engage in fitness practices, physical well-being and active lifestyle, the concept of fitness and exercise has been infused with digital tracking instruments. This study explores the experiences of long-term users of sports watches and Strava. The study draws on a series of 10 individual interviews and participant observations with fitness...
While sports athletes have empirical links to multi/trans/nationalities, the different links to the nation and national identity are not outdated within the cultural sports media landscape (Rowe, 2013). Because hockey has long dominated the bulk of media narratives about sport, its heroes, and Canadian nationalism, soccer, "the global game" as opposed to the “our game”, offers a new...
Nike as a transnational sport corporation has powerful capability to shape local sports culture deeply. For instance, Nike corporation constructed the sporting discourses and promotional strategy of Taiwan’s feminized sports culture in recent twenty years. As a result, Nike’s promotional strategy turned more and more girls and women into sports consumers and lovers. Therefore, the aim of this...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been massively conducted in sports research. However, the gap between professional team sports (PTS)-related CSR and community development needs to be filled by shifting attention to the capacity building of employees’ collaboration. While the social self-identity foundations of CSR are recognized, it is essential to understand the ideological...
To enhance healthy habits in the new generation of Saudi Arabians, in the past decades Saudi authorities have been planning different policies aimed to increase levels of participation in physical activity and sports by the country’s youth. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges and possibilities for young Saudis’ participation in these domains. The research employed...
While the multifactoriality of Olympic performance is well documented, there is little work that specifically addresses the factors of Paralympic performance. In this paper, we will present i) the performance strategies implemented by Paralympic athletes; and ii) the variety and complexity of these experiences, which are at the interface of high-level sport practice, but also of impairment and...
This paper examines group sexual assaults, which involve multiple perpetrators in a single sexually violent act, in the context of junior men’s hockey in Canada. Research outside of the context of sport suggests that group sexual assaults are relatively rare. However, the prevalence of group sexual assaults reported against male junior hockey players in Canada is significantly disproportionate...
Menopausal bodies have gained in visibility recently. Greater attention has been given to women’s experiences of their changing bodies in a range of public settings, in large part attributed to a partial reversal of medical orthodoxy about HRT and the campaigning efforts of public figures. This has led to the abandonment of taboos and stereotypes about the bodies of maturing women around the...
In January 2022, five months after the fall of Kabul, a group of 172 primarily Hazara refugees arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, having earlier travelled across the border to Pakistan amidst one of the largest and most protracted displacement crises in the history of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Afghan newcomers and their children have been supported throughout a...
Athlete maltreatment has become “one of the greatest concerns faced by governing bodies, authorities and practitioners in sport” (Stirling, 2009, p. 1901). Yet, despite this concern, maltreatment scandals continue to occur globally, with many countries remaining committed to elite sport systems for ideological and political purposes. To date, the most dominant causes of athlete maltreatment...
Professional sports clubs have always been regarded as agents of socialisation and their role in community development is important. On the other hand, the community is an important external environment for developing professional sports clubs. Therefore, there is a mutually beneficial relationship between professional sports clubs and the community. In China, the economic and social value of...
Square dancing is a popular public activity in China, with more than 100 million participants, most of whom are elderly women. In this presentation, we discuss the preliminary results of an ethnography on square dancing in Shenzhen, which has a large population of migrant workers and a significant wealth disparity. Using square dancing as a lens, we focus on migrant experiences of square...
A significant body of knowledge has tried to explain a lack of significant change in gender ratios in sport leadership/ governance positions. Current research may have insufficient explanatory power to fully identify how sport leadership and governance remain a male domain. Yet, a review of the contributions and influence of social theory to understanding gender inclusion/exclusion in sport...
This presentation is based on personal experiences gained over the past 3 decades in 'Community Engaged Research and Learning' (CERL) in the Sport for Development (SfD) domain in Flanders and the Brussels region (Belgium) and which has been largely inspired through close contacts with local practitioners and policy makers. It discusses the challenges and needs of sports-based developmental...
"Through application of an Indigenous - Māori informed theoretical framing, articulated as Mana Wāhine values, this presentation draws on fieldwork findings to considers firstly, the role of weightlifting in developing personal, relational, and collective empowerment for Aotearoa New Zealand Indigenous (Māori) women, and then secondly how this empowerment aligns with the strengthening of...
Modern sports ethics are often adopted and referred to by the queer football communities in Europe. Given that the fair play principle emerged as a salient moral framework to discipline competitive masculine relations among elite or middle-class men as of the late 18th century and still serves a function in maintaining the normative order of sexualities in contemporary sports relations, it is...
En tant que pratique sportive et culturelle, le thème du skateboard a donné lieu à des études qui s’inscrivent en grande partie dans les approches culturalistes. Celles-ci ont mis l’accent sur deux concepts : la résistance et l’authenticité, et ont conduit à produire une vision homogène de la culture skateboard en dressant notamment le portrait des pratiquant·es « core ». Or le niveau...
Competitive dance has risen in popularity recently, partially due to media content such as So You Think You Can Dance and Dance Moms. Unfortunately, as interest has increased, cases of harm in dance are being brought to the forefront. While there has been some research conducted on understanding harm in dance, literature is specific to ballet or professional dancers. Therefore, the purpose of...
En France, la question du rapport entre production scientifique et société locale passe régulièrement par l’intermédiaire des collectivités territoriales. Ces dernières regroupent des communes, départements et régions dont les compétences touchent, d’une manière ou d’une autre, à l’organisation et au développement des activités sportives (Honta, 2003). Garantes du service public de proximité,...
Le vieillissement des populations nous invite à repenser les modèles de participation sociale des personnes âgées. Si la retraite professionnelle marque un tournant du parcours de vie, peu d’études ont documenté les parcours d’engagement bénévole et citoyen des personnes âgées dans le domaine du loisir et de l’activité physique. Comment certains participants acquièrent l’expertise nécessaire...
Athletes face unique personal and environmental risk factors (e.g., injuries) that influence the development of mental illness symptoms. However, there is currently a gap in the literature regarding the influence of sporting environments and risk factors on athletes’ symptoms of mental illness. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors that influence the mental health of...
Gender inequalities in the outdoor field are still prevalent. The unrecognized contributions of women, practitioners, and professionals impact their self-confidence, self-esteem, sense of belonging, motivation, and, ultimately, their longevity in the field. Expedition groups are privileged contexts to observe how the emergence and functioning of gender inequalities in the outdoor field...
Gender inequalities in the outdoor field are still prevalent. The unrecognized contributions of women, practitioners, and professionals impact their self-confidence, self-esteem, sense of belonging, motivation, and, ultimately, their longevity in the field. Expedition groups are privileged contexts to observe how the emergence and functioning of gender inequalities in the outdoor field...
While there are many forms of social inequalities, few can better illustrate the impact of social and material disadvantage than class differences in maternal and fetal/infant adverse health outcomes. In sociology, three broad and interacting explanations can explain health inequalities. The first refers to various forms of sociopolitical and economic barriers to health knowledge, practices...
This study examines the experiences of indigenous sportswomen of the Mulan football team in Taiwan. Mulan football is a famous football team in Taiwan’s sports history for their remarkable record, three times Asian football champion between 1977 and 1981. However, the indigenous female footballers’ experiences are unclear, primarily since the Han ethnicity dominates the discourse of Mulan...
National Sport Governing Bodies (NSGBs) have emphasized sport integrity which can be defined as “manifestations of the ethics and values which promote community confidence in sports” (Australian Government, 2016). Globally, NSGBs struggle to prevent and address integrity issues and rethink how they promote integrity and minimise integrity risks and violations by way of good governance and...
Administrators often fulfill the role of gatekeeper, as some of their decisions can contribute to facilitating or limiting access to certain groups, such as children of low-income families. The challenges faced by such families could be even more important in the competitive context, given the associated costs. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions, attitudes, and roles of sport...
Due to globalized sports migration, the idea of a national seems to have become more and more flexible and fluid, pluralistic and multi-layered. This research presents how culturalism and nationalism come together to contribute to the inclusion and exclusion of those naturalized footballers who acquired Chinese nationality in the context of the qualifying stages for the 2022 FIFA Men’s World...
This essay focuses on the leisure weight training experience of Taiwanese men and their social media self-representations. The “spornosexual” as a new, dominant type of masculinity was coined by Mark Simpson in 2014. It’s a study on modern Taiwanese men’s leisure sport practice and their gender display. This qualitative research adopts semiotic analysis, critical discourse analysis and...
This presentation will focus on the most recent bidirectional influence links between sport, physical education (PE), physical activity (PA), and climate change (CC). The manuscript will consist of three complementary elements. The first part tries to establish links in between sport, PA and PE on the one side and the natural environment on the other side. We will provide a comprehensive...
This panel features key international scholars, many of whom have served as editors of journals and major handbooks on the sociology of sport, in considering the place of sociology of sport in the academy. Panelists consider the health of socio-cultural inquiry on sport including the diverse places where it resides in universities across the world. The state of its intersections with other...
From 2011 to 2014 Sport England invested £8 million in the Active Universities programme. The aim was to maintain sporting habits and encourage a healthy lifestyle among the student population. This programme supported 41 projects and the subsequent evaluation reports pointed to methods which could enhance a more inclusive university sports culture. While the three-year investment programme...
Against the background of an increasingly digital society, we see the recent circumstances of change in the Canadian Sport landscape being driven by decision makers forced to act in the face of media attention on allegations made public, including athletes’ open letters detailing toxic cultures underlying maltreatment. Importantly, and similarly to athletes, those who to choose to amplify...
Strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches have accreditation pathways in coach education that mainly develop their understanding of biophysical-technological competencies. Due to a lack of sociocultural awareness, Szedlak and colleagues (2022) identified a disregard of hegemonic norms in S&C, that led to discriminatory behaviours going unnoticed and tolerated. The purpose of this ongoing...
This study aims to understand how Brazilian Olympic athletes make sense of their subjectivities throughout their sports trajectory towards the Olympic Games. Among the different manifestations of the elite sporting phenomenon, the Olympic Games occupy the top place in the contemporary scenario, as they are considered the ultimate goal in the athletes' careers. Approximately 3,452 Brazilian...
The situation in Latin America concerning the area of SDP has been evolving over the last couple of years. The focus on this continent brought also more and broader topics into the SDP research. Similarly, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda has been one the most visible frameworks in the field of SDP. The Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme helped us to collect data about...
The paper highlights how activities (outdoor activities and sports) offered to children and young people below 18 years old at Sàmi/indigenous festivals in Norway might function in decolonization against Norwegianization, and how the festivals have influence on the local community. There is lack of knowledge about indigenous festivals in the Nordic countries. The aim is to fill this gap with...
Taekwondo received more media attention when the Kukkiwon Teakwondo Demonstration Team and World Taekwondo Demonstration Team performed well at American TV talent shows, and in turn, more foreign Taekwondo trainees became interested in studying Taekwondo at the University level. However, there are few empirical studies on factors affecting their decision to study Taekwondo in Korea. Drawing...
The issue of an erosion of voluntary engagement in sports clubs in local communities in Germany has been discussed for a long time. The causes for this are often seen in long-term social modernisation processes, which are also accompanied by a "structural change in voluntary engagement". The lecture takes up the multi-layered discussion about the "crisis of volunteering" in the local sports...
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have declared that physical inactivity is a problem that affects all the countries of the world and the strategic place to solve this problem are schools. The aim of this study was to understand how the school playground can become a space to develop body practices that can...
The media sport cultural complex remains undocumented in Canada in the digital era. Drawing on research carried in other countries (Australia, UK, USA), our project focusses on the media sport content economy (Hutchins and Rowe 2012) and on the cultural dimension of the media sport complex (Rowe 2004) in Canada. In this presentation, we propose to map out the sport media field in Canada and to...
This paper aims to provide an account of the evolution of Korean para sport athletes’ development strategy, which was created based on the benchmarking of non-para athletes’ development policy. The first year of the research was devoted to the collection of practices from other counties, such as Canada, Japan, USA, UK and Australia; that is, mainly the countries the KPC considered developed...
Research on professional ballet schools has explored the training environment; however, there is a lack of research on holistic experiences of living, training, attending academics, and socializing at these live-in, competitive schools. Despite high attrition and deselection rates (Hamilton et al., 1997) and reports of child maltreatment at international schools (e.g., Greb, 2020), a paucity...
The Filipinas is the moniker of the Philippine women’s national football team. Overshadowed by the focus of the game on men, the Filipinas have achieved commendable outcomes including twice qualifying for the AFC Asian Cup, winning a regional championship in 2022, and qualifying for the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, a first in the country’s football history. The Filipinas however share some...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been massively conducted in sports research. Although some studies show employee well-being as a theoretical framework in CSR, research on employees' creative self-efficacy behavior is limited. Professional team sports (PTS) have been involved in CSR initiatives for a long time, not only for profit and social reputation but also for strengthening...
In recent years, many novel technologies are introduced to sports competitions with the aim of assisting referees in enforcing rules and increasing the accuracy of decisions. However, there is limited knowledge of how the implementation of novel refereeing technologies impacts the elite sports refereeing role. The purpose of our study is to examine how referees experience that the...
Background: “Tough it up”, “no pain no gain”, and “win-it-at-all-costs” are all phrases we have heard in sport, but what are the consequences of these messages? A substantial amount of literature, including Hughes and Coakley’s (1991) foundational research on the concept of conformity to the sport ethic norms, has suggested these expectations and normalizations are interlaced within the...
The state of current educational systems cannot be understood outside of the rise of neoliberalism, which is the defining context of the privatization of education and policies designed to meet parental expectations for more diverse and expanded school curricula for their children. In Quebec, this trend has been identified as the "double fragmentation of the school system" (Lessard, 2019), a...
Art competitions were an integral part of the official Olympic programme from 1912 to 1948. Medals were awarded for works of art inspired by sport. Previous studies focused on the aesthetic thought and its evolution , but seldom paid attention to its connection with politics. Based on a case study of the official archives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and prize-winning artworks,...
COVID-19’s impact on physical activity in local neighbourhoods has been significant given that many communities have had to severely limit access to or completely close physical activity spaces in efforts to help reduce transmission risk. As a direct consequence, some local governments in Canada turned their attentions to re/organizing infrastructure such as major public roads and streets...
This presentation explores how new materialist theory, specifically Jane Bennett’s vital materialism, can contribute to the field of sport sociology. Within vital materialism, Bennett stresses the vitality of the nonhuman, encouraging scholars to recognize the “thing-power” of objects in worldly phenomena and emphasizing the inseparable connections between humans and the nonhuman. To explore...
Integration of migrants and refugees is currently among the most relevant political issues in Western societies. Voluntary sport clubs (VSCs) in the community have the potential to promote social integration (Nagel et al., 2015; Waardenburg et al., 2019), and may have access to integrative programmes and public funding to do so. Nonetheless, only a comparatively small number of VSCs implement...
This paper explores the interviews conducted within the “Memories of Soccer” project, developed by the Museum of Image and Sound (São Paulo, Brazil). In these, the figure of Brazilian Professor José Sebastião Witter stands out as a master of what can be classified today as ‘deviation of good practices.’ During the recordings, he promoted interruptions and comments, debating the interviewees...
Over the past half-century, critical sport sociologists have demanded better of existing sport governing bodies, yet by and large, these demands have resulted in reforms within the existing structures rather than significant organizational or policy-based change. At NASSS Montreal in 2022, we introduced the possibility of a new supranational organization committed to anti-corruption, athlete...
Researchers, athletes, decision-makers, and the media have documented numerous instances of sport-related violence (SRV) in recent years. There is a growing understanding of the need to rethink the sporting system to tackle SRV more efficiently. This communication will present a two-phase study that rallied sport stakeholders to develop an integrated action plan to tackle SRV in the province...
The outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic has made a significant impact on the implementation of sports policies and action plans around the world. Academia pointed out that the crisis has exacerbated gender inequality in the proportion of physical activity. Since the pandemic has provided an unfortunate setback and a challenge to the campaign of England's "This Girl Can" and Taiwan’s “White Paper...
The academic literature on Sport-for-Development and Peace is no longer a novelty. However, there are scarcely studied topics such as university-based initiatives, as well as those of mixed and/or unified sports. Tiro en Braille (Braille Shot) is a Mexican university-based sport, completely designed by undergraduate students with the guidance of professors. Tiro en Braille, as an organization...
Sport events have both positive and negative legacies for the host community (in particular) and the world (in general), one of which relates to the environment. Environmental legacies are concerned with accomplishing sustainability goals such as minimizing negative impacts on the natural resource base, reducing and managing waste, and lowering pollution. This paper proposes retrospective...
The aim of this study was to understand Deaf as agents who had the potential to diverge from the dominant discourse, such as suppression and helplessness, by exploring the negotiation processes between Deaf culture and hearing culture through the experiences of Deaf athletes. As a theoretical framework, the concept of cultural hybridity presented by Bhabha (1994) provided a basis for analysis...
This study analyzed the narrative and representations of the entertainment program ‘Sport Sisters’. ‘Sport Sisters’ is an entertainment program that aired on Channel E from August 4, 2020. Season 2 aired from September 7, 2021, to July 5, 2022. It is an entertainment program mainly starring female athletes, reproducing various narratives of female athletes in Korean society. In addition to Pak...
Self-tracking tools have become so commonplace in our daily lives that interaction with them has become almost invisible. Therefore, documenting the appropriation of these tools in daily routines is complex. In order to study the subconscious affective and sensory experiences of interactions between humans and their self-tracking tools we asked long-time self-tracking runners to perform a run...
The rise of Wrexham AFC, a used-to-be anonymous football club in Wales, has become one of the most intriguing stories in the world of sport in the past two years. This essay aims to examine the global-local dynamics through the lens of the improbable rise of the fifth-tiered club in the English football system since the takeover by actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenny in 2020. In doing so,...
Chinese President Xi Jinping said that “Sports are an important symbol of social development and human progress, and an important reflection of comprehensive national strength and social civilization,”. While this view of sports is prevalent in China, perceptions of sportsmanship have changed over time. We lack a clear understanding of this evolution, yet knowledge of this historical...
Research has paid extensive attention to how contemporary societal demands shape ideas about appropriate practices in PE and its positive consequences for society´s citizens. It has also showed how PE teachers reproduce traditional practices. Largely overlooked, however, is the role and impact of school leaders, even though they are ultimately responsible for decision-making, division of...
Quinn qui joue au soccer pour le Canada est la première personne ouvertement transgenre non-binaire à remporter une médaille olympique quand iel a gagné l’or aux Jeux de Tokyo 2020 dans le tournoi féminin de soccer. Cet accomplissement sportif a attiré l’attention des médias du monde entier avec différents degrés de respect et d’inclusion. Cette communication orale va porter sur la couverture...
Participatory action research (PAR) has been positioned as an effective methodology for engaging publics within leisure and sport research to foster social transformation. Yet, little has been written about the diverse forms of action that publics engage in and how they make sense of these actions.
This paper critically explores the conceptual, methodological, and applied issues in a PAR...
For the last 20 years, Putnam's conceptualization of social capital has become an important concept when promoting integration in sports policy. Parallel with the impact on sports policy, the concepts of bonding and bridging have been well explored in the literature on sports and integration. However, few researchers have looked at how migrants develop relations with formal associations,...
Sport for Development (SfD) is often situated within a Freirean approach. A Freirean approach advocates a critical, flexible and contextualized curriculum as part of transformative education processes through sport. Critical literacy and critical pedagogy, as described by Freire, consists of the ability 'to name the world and to change it'. This change is based on a theoretical premise of...
Trans athletes are becoming an increasingly marginalized demographic within competitive and recreational sport. Despite growing research on policy and physiology of trans athletes, there is little attention given to the experiences of these athletes regarding harm, discrimination, and violence. The present study aimed to uncover the experiences of gender-based violence that exist for trans*...
Historically, sport has been a male-dominated realm that discouraged women from participating because they were thought to be too fragile (Gregg & Gregg, 2017). While progress has been made, women looking to enter the sporting domain remain faced with barriers and differential treatment based on anatomical differences and gender stereotypes. This study analyses the extent to which the...
Women’s football has grown across the globe in the past decade including in relation to participation, professional leagues, salaries, and spectatorship. However this growth has been asymmetrical, especially when considering coaching and officiating roles. In the Australian context, football’s governing bodies have explicitly set 50/50 gender equality targets for the game, including...
Although not explicitly aligned with Sport for Development and Peace, yoga programs in prisons and community justice settings—both of which we understand to be “carceral” environments—share similar goals around achieving human development through engagement with physical activity. In this paper, we explore multiple meanings given to yoga by instructors who have taught in these carceral...
The socio-economic and socio-cultural situation of a particular athlete affects their concept of empowerment and fulfillment, especially in the sporting world. Bodybuilding, which is a non mainstream sport in developing countries like the Philippines, shows this dynamic, especially in training, coaching, and engagement in fitness and physique sports by women. Even though there are a number of...
Highly skilled female athletes often find their achievements devalued and their performances judged as inferior to men. Thus, the cultural changes that truly move us towards the social inclusion of women in boxing are still to be achieved. This paper explores how gendered power dynamics impact on experiences of female boxers who are active and present in traditionally masculine boxing gym...
Scholarly attention of sports-related concussions (SRC) has developed a growing body of research on the injury. An emergent domain of this research has been from a sociocultural perspective, employing the lived experience of athletes who have sustained a concussion to understand how athletic populations manage reporting and recovery despite the complexity of the injury. It is important to...
Since the announcement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there has been an emphasis on sports as a prominent enabler to promote peace and development objectives. Previous studies and programs have focused on the education of youth development through sports programs and its influence on vulnerable communities. Thus, sport for development and peace (SDP) programs have contributed to...
"This presentation intends to analyze the links that Paralympic athletes and their staff members establish between the Paralympic athletes’ selfpresentation as cyborgs or supercrips and their access to sponsors. Based on an interview survey of 15 Paralympic athletes and 42 members of their staff, we will show that not all Paralympic athletes can be associated with inspirational cyborg or...